
419 9 13

(I don't know why this one is like it is. Characters do what characters want)

Cross's POV

I wake up in the middle of the night, again. This seems to be the only time I'm productive. Ask everyone else, they'll tell you I'm just a disappointment.

I'm not sure what I want anymore. My only goal was to get my home back, I didn't feel like I belonged anywhere but there. Since then, I've become part of the group. Sometimes, they're good friends but they're hard to understand sometimes. How can I be friends with people I'm just using for my own gain?

I think of the mansion as my home now, kinda. It's just, I don't know. I really don't know. I walk outside.

"Fuck!" I yell. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!!!!!!!!!!!" I'm screaming at the sky. My emotions are as split as my soul.

I grab the locket around my neck tightly. I hate everything. GAHHHHHH! I yank the chain and it breaks off into my hands.

I stare at the locket, gleaming in the moonlight. This is the last thing I have from my home. It's a relic from someplace long gone. I clutch it tightly in my hand and chuck it as hard as I can. 

It feels like some sort of weight has been lifted. I can breathe again.

I walk back inside, and sit on my bed. As I try to sleep, one question burns in my mind. Why did I do that?


See ya, imaginary people. 

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