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(An actual one-shot, guess the author isn't slacking off for once)

3rd Person POV

Lust knew all too well that smile that Dream gave whenever someone just came up and touched him. He hid it well, but Dream was clearly uncomfortable. It was always worse with crowds. Although he'd never admit it, the positivity guardian was really antisocial. No one ever respected his boundaries and just wanted to be near him. Despite how much Dream hated it, he was always polite.

"Don't you ever get tired of being constantly crowded?" Lust asked.

"It just comes with the job. After a while, you get used to it," Dream replied, choosing words carefully to try and convince his friend that it was fine.

"So, I'm guessing you haven't gotten used to it yet."

There was a moment of silence before awkward laughter broke it. "Why would you think that? I love being around people 24/7. Yep, being alone is awful."

Lust had to relent, knowing he wasn't going to win. "Alright, but just so you know, you can have personal space."

Lust could see a quick flash of an idea across Dream's face, had he really never thought of that before? Of course, it wasn't like it was easy, especially for someone who wanted to make everyone happy, but it seemed so simple.

It was obvious that Dream was deep in thought when he almost tripped over a tree root. Lust grabbed him by the back of the shirt as quickly as possible to prevent him from falling. It didn't work, and both of them tumbled onto the dirt.

"Sorry, I should have watched where I was going," Dream apologized.

"It's ok. Are you hurt?'

"No, I'm fine. Are you hurt?"

"I'm alright. Well, no harm no foul." They quickly stepped apart, not wanting to invade each other's personal space. More awkward laughter was heard as the pair didn't know what else to do.

"Why are we so weird?"

"It's probably the trauma."

"What is our relationship?" Dream wondered out loud. "We're not quite friends, but not really anything else."

"Do you... want to be something else?"

There was much blushing on both sides when it sank in what they were talking about.

"I don't know. Maybe, I mean, you really respect me as a person, I've never had that before," Dream admitted.

"And you don't judge me for my reputation, which is very nice."

"I'm not sure just out here is the best place to talk about this?"

"But we will talk about it?"

"Yeah, how about tomorrow? I guess we could consider it a first date." Dream immediately blushed more, thinking that it was a stupid thing to say.

"I think that's a great idea. It's a date. I'll see you tomorrow."

They walked off separately, of course doing the weird nervous laughter as it was all around awkward situation, but they were hopeful for what was to come. 


This will probably be the second to last one-shot in this book unless I get sudden inspiration, which is about a 50/50 chance. I'm so happy I've gotten to write so much and meet so many people, see ya, imaginary people

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