I don't even know

488 9 22

(We'll see how this turns out)

3rd person POV

Everyone was busy that night so Dust was on cooking duty. If they had only known the strange set of events that would happen that night, they most likely would not have let Dust cook. He definitely wouldn't be trusted after this.

Dinner it's self was pretty uneventful, but things started to get interesting about 10 minutes later.

It was Blue's turn to do dishes but Dream was trying to drag him away from the kitchen to play video games. "Dishes before b*tches, Dream," Blue said.

Dream started clutching his chest and fell to the ground very dramatically. "I have been killed"

Killer started clapping. "What a beautiful performance. You get an Academy Award"

You may be wondering what the others were doing, I can assure you, it wasn't any better.

Geno walked into the kitchen and grabbed a banana. He then went over to Dust. "Give me all your money"

"That's a banana" Click. Dust about jumped and quickly handed all $326 dollars in his pocket to Geno. Geno then walked off to go mug someone else with the highly lethal weapon.

All of a sudden "Everybody Dance Now" started blasting throughout the entire house. Lust was in front of the stereo dancing in just a mini-skirt. He was also wearing a wig for some reason.

This confused Horror a lot. Where had Lust gotten the mini-skirt?

Reaper seemed to have forgotten about his death touch. He petted a plant only for it to wilt immediately. He started going around killing all the plants in the house.

Nightmare, surprisingly was the least destructive. He was just making out with the wall, completely ignoring the fact that everybody was caused a big old mess.

There was an explosion in the kitchen. Sci came out looking like a mad scientist. He had goggles over his eye holes, at least he didn't forget to use safety goggles while mixing random chemicals together.

Cross and Fell looked up from their game of strip poker to look. It was going about how'd you expect. Fell was losing badly because of Cross's need to wear 5,000 layers of clothing.

Error picked up Cross's jacket off the floor. "I need this." He took it back to the nest of dirty clothes and string he made in the upper corner of the room.

Ink was rummaging through the mess to find his arm which he had broken off. He found a stick "perfect"

(Interruption to say that a senior at my school Rick Rolled everybody at the concert tonight. It was kinda awesome, but I got Rick Rolled)

Ink started running around outside charging at people with his stick arm, and if the passers by managed to avoid Ink they were quickly mugged by Geno and the banana gun.

Eventually everyone passed out and woke up the next morning in jail.

Dust, luckily for him, was in a separate cell.

"What happened last night?" Blue asked.

"I made dinner and you all started acting weird," Dust answered

"What was in the food?"

"I don't know, I got some exotic spices from someone for a really good deal and thought it would be fun to put in the food"

Blue suddenly jumped at the bars, screeching like a banshee "I'm going to kill you!"

Dream and Nightmare grabbed Blue and tried to pry him off the bars as the police officers came to see what the ruckus was.

Well, Dust isn't allowed to cook anymore and to this day no one knows what was in that food.

I had lots of fun. I'm not the type of author to just write a normal Valentine's Day special. Y'all should know this by now.

See ya, imaginary people

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