(So, Music?)

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I've been listening to basically the same soundtracks for 3 months. Just Hamilton, SIX, Dear Evan Hansen, plus Set It Off, AJR, and random Indie horror game songs.

Basically, I need to learn about more music and I'm just too lazy to spend time looking up random stuff

Also, have an unfinished draft, if you want to take it and finish it that's completely cool with me, I have no interest in it anymore;

Dream's POV

It was a normal day. I was bored so I decided to go out for a walk. I can hardly go outside without people crowding me. They won't leave me alone. I don't have any personal space with people around.

I hate being touched. Why won't they just leave me alone? It's really not fun to be grabbed 24/7.

I changed my clothes, took off my crown and then I deactivated my aura before teleporting to a safe spot, away from people.

I'm so glad I learned how to deactivate my aura. It's been really useful.


Ok, now an important question since I don't want to make this too short.

If I did like a fill in the blank story thing. Would you all play with me? Like  I would write something with a lot of blanks and then you all would give me words to fill those blanks just so we can laugh at whatever ridiculous thing it ends up being. Cause I am bored

I think I'm annoying people because it's getting a lot harder to get my friends to talk to me.

So now that I've rambled on for like 100+ words, see ya, imaginary people

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