Outer x Killer {Human AU(Part 2)}

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Outer's POV

I've been living with Killer for a month now. The police have given up looking for me, my family assumes I'm dead, and I'm still stuck with a psychopath. I don't know what he wants with me. I think he wants to either rape me, kill me or just be my friend. I just accepted my fate. I'm going to be stuck with Killer for the rest of my life. If I ignore the fact that he's a crazy murderer, then he's actually not that bad. What am I thinking? Maybe being trapped for so long is finally making me go crazy.  I still hate this room. It's too small and has no windows. Killer has been allowing me to be outside the room as long as he's around. 

The door to the hideout opens. I can't see it but I can hear it. All the doors in the hideout have a different sound when they open. It's so if there are any intruders Killer will know where they are at.  The door to my room opens. Killer is back but what's he holding. He tossed the white fabric to me. It's all stained with blood. I carefully unfold the white cloth.

 It's a lab coat inside the pocket is a pair of glasses but the other thing in the pocket is what truly terrifies me. A name tag... with Sci's name on it. "You killed my best friend!"

"He was getting too close to the truth. Do you realize what would have happened if he found out? The police would be looking for you again and they could connect you to me and then I'd be behind bars until they kill me. That is not how I want to die."

I start crying. Killer walks out if the room but he leaves the door open. I keep crying. I want to go home, but I'm trapped. I'm not trapped by any sort of physical barrier. I'm trapped because I feel something for Killer, I don't know what it is, pity, friendship, maybe even love. This feeling keeps me trapped here. 

Killer's POV

I don't understand. Why doesn't he get it? Sci was a threat. I eliminated the threat, what doesn't he understand? I need to stop thinking about this. A distracted criminal is a dead criminal.  

I just go out by the river and kill some random person off the street. I sit and wait for the police so it's more fun. Maybe I should tie my legs together so they might actually have a chance of catching me. Nah. 

I don't want to go to prison. I've been to the juvenile hall but that was a long time ago. Now, I'm old enough to be tried as an adult. What would be the charges? Oh yeah, 1st-degree murder, kidnapping, assaulting an officer, resisting arrest, carjacking, vandalism, and illegal possession of firearms. 

At last, the police are here. "Hey there, slow pokes"

The police chief ignores me. "We've got you surrounded. Surrender now" 

"... Nah. I'm good"

"There isn't any way for you to escape this one"

"I disagree" I take a deep breath and jump into the water. It's freezing cold and the current is dragging me anywhere it wants to. 

3rd person POV

"let him go, the current will drown him. And if it doesn't we'll deal with him later."

The police leave to go back to the station. 

(Time skip: The next day){This time skip was brought to you by, I actually looked up crimes that Killer could be charged with. It may not have been necessary but I'm committed to my stories.)

Outer's POV

Killer hasn't come back yet. He normally isn't gone this long. He left my door unlocked so I go to the kitchen and get myself some food. Over the last month, I've gotten to know my way around the hideout pretty well. The kitchen is just down the hall from my room, and the living room is upstairs above the kitchen. I take my food, go sit in the living room, and turn on the T.V.

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