Dreams and Nightmares

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Characters: Jensen Ackles x Daughter!Reader

Warnings: covid fears, nerves, fluff

Request by anon: hi there! i think i saw that requests we're open and was wondering if i could have a one-shot with jensen x 15ish daughter reader or (something akin to that), where jensen and the reader play a song together play Dust in the Wind together at a con or jensen and the family goes to watch the readers pop punk/punk rock concert? (she's a guitarist) sorry if this was very oddly specific, i'm just kinda down about not being able to play any gigs right now.

Summary: You love playing guitar and touring with your band. this whole virus put an end to everything that gave you joy. This is the first date that you get to go back out there, and you're nervous as hell. Luckily, you have your dad to get you through it.


This whole virus took the entire world by storm. No one saw it coming, and no one expected it to get this far into 2020. This entire year has been a shitstorm, and what's worse is that all your concert dates have been canceled for the remainder of the year. The only way they are coming back is if this virus goes away, and that's not likely at all.

Playing guitar is something you've always been passionate about, and you learned everything you know from your dad. When he goes to conventions with Jared and Misha, he can't wait to get his hands on a guitar and play in front of everyone. It's a gift, and he likes to share it with anyone who is willing to listen.

When you got old enough, he let you come to conventions with him instead of staying at home with your mom and siblings. It was a fun change of environment, but when you got into that green room, it's where it felt almost like home. All the instruments were in there, and whenever your dad wasn't on stage, he's let you play some of them and teach you.

When you got even older, he let you come on stage with him and play along with his songs. The crowd loved you, and that's where your whole career started. Everyone loved you so much, you took that confidence and energy and used it to create your own band. Every band starts off rocky, but you're actually shaping to be a really great one. You gradually moved from cover songs to writing your own.

Every time you walked on stage, you felt like you could do anything and play anything you wanted. The crowds adored you, they sang along to your songs, and they provided with so much energy it was unreal. Why do people do drugs to get high when they can experience the highs you always get whenever you walked on stage? Playing music is part of who you are, and this whole virus thing put an end to that.

You couldn't do concerts, you couldn't go to music stores to buy new strings or guitars you really wanted. No one was allowed to go anywhere, and if you tried playing on the street, people stayed away from you. It tore your heart to pieces not being able to play, but it broke your father's heart even more.

You were such a lively person before any of this started, now you're a shell of who you used to be. Nothing really gets you excited anymore. Jensen doesn't really know what to do except watch as this thing kills you from the inside out. All you do now is sit inside your room and play some of your old songs to try to remember what those feelings once felt like. Your band doesn't even want to get together to practice anymore, and you've become so sad.

When will this virus thing end? This year? 2021? Never? All you know for sure is that you can't wait for it to be over. Then maybe you can start feeling like yourself again, and actually enjoy making music.

During this time, not only did you spent all your time inside your room, you've been writing your own songs about how you feel and about this time. You have so many songs you're in love with, and you can't wait to perform them to your band and to the world when it's ready to hear them. For months, you've been writing songs like it's no one's business, and you didn't think you'd get to perform them so soon.

Now you can.

It's unreal to think how much time has passed since this whole virus thing started and look at where you are now. You're about to walk on stage again to perform to so many people who have been waiting for you to get together. The virus thing isn't over by any means, but you made it so you could perform. With seats being six feet apart, doing more than one show in a city so that everyone can see you, and the guards handing out masks to everyone who doesn't have one. It's not perfect, but it'll have to do for now.

It's been months since you even set foot on a stage, and now that you're here, you don't know if you can do it. This is the first time you've been on stage in months, this is the first date of your concert, and everyone is counting on you to make this work. Your entire band is nervous, but you're the most nervous of them all.

It's just about ready to start, and you're still in the green room with a panicked look on your face.

Jensen is waiting in the audience with his wife and other kids, but he knows something is wrong. The band hasn't come out yet, and the concert doesn't start for another ten minutes, but he can feel that something is wrong. He's been on the other end of this too many times to ignore his gut feeling.

"I'll be right back," he mutters to his wife before leaving her side.

The guards stopped him from getting backstage, but once he explained to them that you are his daughter (and after he showed them ID to prove it), they let him through. He knew where the green room is, and when he entered, he saw you in the midst of a panic attack.

"Y/N, you're okay," he says and rushes to your side.

"What if something goes wrong?" you hyperventilate.

"First, you need to calm down. Okay? I'm right here. Focus on your breathing and slow down," he says, and you nod frantically.

Your heartbeat is wild, your eyes are wide, and your breathing is ragged, but the more you stare into your father's eyes, the more you calm down. Jensen smooths back your hair when he knows you've done what he asked.

"Okay tell me what's wrong," he says in a comforting tone.

"This is the first time we're back on stage. What if I mess up? What if we're not ready? What if–"

"Whoa, one thing at a time, sweetheart," he interrupts you. "You know you've been practicing for months. You and the band have got this. You know you can do it in your sleep."

"I can do it in my sleep," you whisper.

"Look, I know it's scary being back after everything, but you have to know that you are not alone. I am going to be right there, cheering you on. Your mom and sisters are out there right now because they are so proud of you. I am so proud of you. Whenever you feel nervous or scared, you look right at me. You have got this. I believe in you, sweetheart."

"I love you so much," you say and hug him tightly.

"I love you too, love bug. Now, get out there and kick some ass. Remember, don't do anything I would do, and definitely don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"What does that mean? You always say that."

"It just means have fun, and don't be afraid to try," he smiles and kisses the top of your head.

"Hey, Y/N, we're on in five," one of your bandmates says when they enter the room. "Oh, are you okay? Hi Mr. Ackles."

"Hey kid."

"Yeah, I'll be right out," you nod, and he leaves the room.

"Kick ass out there."

"I will," you grin and kiss him on the cheek.

You follow your bandmate to the stage as your dad makes his way back to his seat with the rest of his family. You get on stage and into position at just the right time because the concert begins. You know these songs by heart, and your fingers play them effortlessly as they know the rhythm.

All your fears, dreams, nightmares, and worries are on stage right now, but as long as you have your dad right there supporting you, they don't seem so bad. Those fears mist away, worries turn into excitement, your nightmares turn to dreams, and your dreams shine through the smile on your face.

This is your dream, and you can't wait to follow it until the very end.

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