Lesson Learned

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Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Female!Reader

Word Count: ~1k

Warnings: fluff, minor angst

Request by : Do you think you can write me a Jared and Jensen x reader where the reader gets injured either in set or at a con and J2 look after her until she's feeling better 😊

Summary: You get injured on set, but your loving husband is there to take care of you.


Sometimes being an actor is fun because they let you do some of your own stunts. They'll hook you up to wires, push you off of high stories onto a thick mat below, and even let you "fly" in the air. It's a rush whenever you get to do things like that, but there are times when you have to let an actual stunt double do the work because it's too dangerous.

You should have listened when they told you it wasn't wise to do your own stunt.

In the show, your character is an angel that's been possessed by Amara. You've always been jealous of Jared, Jensen, and Misha since they've got to play different versions of their characters, and now it's your turn to do so. The scene requires you to be hooked to wires since your character gets to fly due to Amara possessing her.

That normally wouldn't be a problem with anyone, but Rob is going to come in as his character, Chuck, and blast you to the wall. In theory, it should be simple, but there are always complications with things like these. That's why they have stunt doubles. Still, you insisted on doing this one on your own, and they let you.

"Are you doing okay?" Jensen asks when they've finished strapping you in.

"I'm excited. It's going to be good."

"Alright, we'll be waiting for you when you're done."

Jensen leans in and kisses you briefly before moving out of the way so they can get you in the air.

"Okay, here we go. Let us know if you're uncomfortable in any way," the director calls out.

"You got it!"

They start the machine that's responsible for lifting you in the air. It's a rush feeling like you're flying, and when they slam you into the padded wall, it's going to be even better. When you're about ten feet off the ground, Rob gets into position. They've already filmed his and your lines, so all they need to do is get this stunt out of the way.


"Yeah!" you and Rob both shouted.

"And... action!"

"I'm sorry, sis, but this is for the greater good," Rob says his line perfectly.

He thrusts his hands out in front of him, and that's when the machine kicks in. You're shot all the way to the wall, but something is wrong. The harness holding you shakes too much to be perfectly tight, and you twist to the right just as you hit the wall. Everyone in the room can hear the sickening crack of your arm as it breaks. Everyone on the entire lot can hear your painful scream.

"Let her down!" Jensen yells as he, Jared, and a handful of people rush over to you.

The machine lowers you to the ground, and instead of standing proudly at the scene you just did, you fall to the ground since the only thing you can think about is your broken arm.

"We need a medic!" Jared yells.

The medics rush over to you in no time, pushing people out of the way to examine you. Your arm is bent in ways it shouldn't ever be, but you're lucky that the bone isn't showing.

"I'm okay," you cry.

"You broke your fucking arm. Of course, you're not okay," Jensen sighs.

"I'll be okay. It's not the first bone I've broken," you chuckle bitterly.

"How the hell did this happen?" Jared wonders.

"I think the harness got loose when it thrusted me back. I twisted at the last second."

"Shit," the director sighs.

"Don't worry, it wasn't your fault. I just don't think I'll be able to act anytime soon."

"Come on, we need to get you to the hospital," one of the medics say.

You're helped to your feet by your boyfriend with your best friend on the other side.

"Alright, I think that's a wrap for the day. We'll regroup afterwards and go from there," the director announces.

"Come on, sweetheart, let's go."

You're transported to the hospital immediately. You've broken bones before, so this isn't as big of a deal as it may seem, but you've never broken a bone with Jensen and Jared by your side. This is definitely going to be a very long recovery process.


"Jensen, I'm okay. I promise. I can do it," you sigh.

"The doctor said take it easy, so you're going to take it easy."

"He meant with using my arm. I'm fucking eating. I can lift my own spoon."

You know Jensen only wants to help, but this is suffocating. You don't want to break his heart and tell him you don't need him, but you also need your space.

"I'm just trying to help."

"I know you are, and I love you for that. But I need my space. I'm sure Jared is around here somewhere. Go hang out with him and let me read a book or watch some Netflix. I promise I'll be okay for a few hours. I'm not hopeless, you know," you chuckle.

"What if you fall and can't get up?"

"My arm is broken, not my legs. Go."

"What if you drop something and can't pick it up."

"Jensen," you warn.

"Okay, okay, I'm going."

Your loving boyfriend gets up and kisses your head lovingly. It's going to be good for both of you that he hangs out with his friends as much as it's good for you to be alone.

"Call me if you need me."

"I won't, but I will," you smile.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

Jensen winks at you before he leaves, and you sigh in relief. After turning on the TV, you take out your phone and snap a quick photo of yourself with your purple cast.

"This is what happens when you do your own stunts. I'm okay, I promise. I have both Winchesters breathing down my neck to make sure I'm okay. Love you guys and hope to see you soon!"

You get a text message from both Jared and Jensen almost immediately after you posted it.

Jared: We do this out of love.

Jensen: We know you'd do the same for us, and you have done the same for us.

You: I know. Now go do what you two do and let me watch Netflix.

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