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Characters: Dean Winchester x Reader

Warnings: just all fluff

Summary: Dean has feelings for you, but is too scared to tell you. Will he ever get the courage to be upfront with his feelings?


If there was one thing Dean knew for sure, it was of your love for him. He may not be the best at being a friend, or being a cook, or being himself, but he was the best when you were by his side. Everything he did, he did better with you. It was true what people said about soulmates; they were truly the other half of you, and you were the better version of Dean, always taking care of him.

If I ain't got nothing, I got you
If I ain't got something I don't give a damn, 'cause I got it with you
I don't know much about algebra, but I know one plus one equals two
And it's me and you
That's all we'll have when the world is through

If only he could tell you how he feels, then maybe the love you two shared would be even stronger. He always had his brother to count on, but the fact that you were going to be there too was everything he could ever need. If imperfect perfections were a person, you would be that person.

You often made mistake, drank too much, yelled at him for the wrong reason, and so many other stupid things, but he thought the world of you. When the two of you worked together, everything seemed to fall in place. He trusted you with his life, and never would question when you wanted to do something a certain way.

It was the same thing with him. If you didn't have trust, then you two just wouldn't work.

Hey, I don't know much about guns but I
I've been shot by you
Hey, and I don't know when I'm gon' die, but I hope
That I'm gon' die by you
Hey, and I don't know much about fighting, but I, I know
I will fight for you
Hey, just when I ball up my fist I realize
That I'm laying right next to you

Dean may know a lot about guns, but he wasn't an expert. He could shoot a target at fast speed dead in the head, but that doesn't mean he knew the mechanics of a gun. He's been shot so many times is many different places, but you shot him in a place where no one else could reach: his heart.

With this hunting life, death is always on his mind. He never knew if he was going to make it to the next sunrise so he often didn't hold grudges. Dying is a part of the job, and if he was going to die, then he wanted to do it with you. He wanted you to be by his side when he goes because he knew that he would be safe.

In all his life, he has learned many fighting skills that were useful on hunts. He's broken so many bones using those said skills and regretted a few or more, but he knew the fighting he'd do for you would be endless. He'd fight for your hand any second of the day if it meant you were protected. He'd fight for your heart if he knew he had a chance.

Baby we ain't got nothing but love
And darling you got enough for the both of us ooh
Make love to me when my days look low
Pull me in close and don't let me go

Maybe one day he'd get to tell you how he feels. Maybe before this is all over. He can only imagine the life he would have with you. Right by his side, never letting him go.

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