Not Like Other Girls

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Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam (mentioned), Jody and her family (mentioned)

Warnings: all fluff, implied smut at the end, making out

Summary: Being Jody Mills' daughter isn't easy but now that you're off on you're own, you meet some interesting people and do some interesting things.


Being the daughter of a hunter was nothing like you thought. Your mom didn't like you going on hunts but you couldn't help yourself. You wanted to help save people and when she decided to take in more girls and they started hunting, you knew you had to participate. You loved your mom but you wanted to do your own thing.

Claire, one of the girls your mom took in, thought just like you and decided to take control over her life and left. She hunted on her own, checking in from time to time. You wanted to do that but you knew what your mom would say so you decided to just leave. You knew it would worry her to no end but you didn't care. You didn't want to stay locked up in the house when you knew you would be useful somewhere else.

Plus, she was a police officer. You were always terrified of getting the news that your mother wasn't coming home. You were scared for her life just as much as she was scared for yours. But, growing up, you learned a lot from your mom. You learned how to fight, how to shoot and how to defend yourself. When your mom and brother were killed by a monster, your mom was terrified and tried to protect you. You need her just as much as she needed you. That's all you ever did until she let Alex and Claire into her life.

Then, before you knew it, she let in two more girls. You loved your little family and her new friends, Donna, but you wanted to be on your own. That is why you left. After a few months, you let your mom know what you were really doing and of course, she yelled at you but she understood, just like she understood Claire.

When you knew you got her permission to be on your own, you felt more free. It was good to be on your own. There were sometimes you regretted hunting alone but from time to time, you called Claire for help and she called you. It worked and that is all that you needed.

Right now, you were driving to a case in a city in Montana when your car started sputtering. You groaned and pulled off the road, hoping that whatever is wrong, you could fix with the tools in your car. You knew how to fix cars since that is what you did in your free time but you weren't near a mechanic and if the damage was severe enough, you knew you wouldn't have the tools to fix it.

Keeping the car on, you got out and popped the hood. You wanted to see what was wrong while the car was running. You opened the hood and immediately knew what the problem was. You turned off your car and went to your trunk to get the things you needed. Your spark plugs were running bad and you knew that before hand which is why you got new ones. You didn't need the change them yet but you kept them in case you would need them which is now.

You got the plugs and started working on the hood. This was easy work, this was the first thing you learned how to do. You changed the first one and moved onto the second one. You wiped your sweaty forehead from the heat and standing under the hood. You took off the flannel you were wearing and tied it around your waist before reaching in your car and grabbing the cold water you brought with you from your place. You chugged a quarter of it before going back to work.

After changing the second one, you heard the delicious rumble of an old car coming your way. You looked at the black hood speeding down the road but when the driver saw you, he immediately started to pull over. You chuckled and went back to work, grunting as you tried to get the old spark plug off.

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