The Perfect Shy Guy

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Characters: Castiel x Reader, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester

Warnings: this is just fluff

Summary: Castiel is the perfect shy guy and this is why.


Out of your 33 years on this Earth, you have never felt love for someone as strong as Castiel. From the moment you met him, he started treating you like a queen even though you two weren't dating. Everything he'd do, he wanted your opinion on it. Every hunt you went on, he'd tell you to be safe, and when you returned, he'd check for any kind of wound on you, no matter how small.

He'd always put you first before even thinking of himself. There was this one time when you had to stay at the Bunker because you were sick and couldn't join the Winchesters on the hunt. Castiel offered to heal you, but you didn't want him wasting any of his grace on you. Instead, he left with the brothers, eager to get back to you.

At the time you weren't dating, but he treated you as if you two were.

"Y/N! We're home!" Castiel called for you once he stepped foot on the metal stairs. He turned to the Winchesters as he walked down them. "I'm going to go see how she's feeling."

"He's so whipped," Dean snickered to his brother, watching as the Angel left. Castiel made a beeline to your room, finding you curled up in bed with a book. When you spotted him, you set the book down on your lap with a smile.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, taking a seat on the edge of your bed.

"Better now that you're here," you said, making the Angel blush. Due to his lack of knowledge for humanity, it made him very shy. It was always easy to make Castiel blush, even if you didn't mean to. "A few days out of action has really given me the chance to catch up on my books."

"Is it one you like?"

"I am in love with this series!" you started to gush about it but stopped yourself short. He must have better things to do than to listen to you. "Doesn't Sam or Dean need you? You probably have better things to do than to listen to me."

"I want to hear what you thought about the series you're reading. It's something you care about, and I want to know more about it," he gave a shy smile to you.

"Really? Okay!" you started to ramble on about this entire series, going on and on about the characters, their drama and every other aspect of the books. All Castiel did was stare at you with adoration in his yes, because you were talking about something you really cared about.

Every day, Castiel has something new to say about your attire, always coming up with compliments that fit with your style. From the beginning, you knew he was a big romantic, you just didn't know how big until you got to know him more.

Getting out of bed, you threw on your thin, lightweight pink robe over your tank top and shorts. Since it was summer time, you didn't bother tying the robe, as you shuffled out of your bedroom. There was nothing you cared more about than your coffee, not even to fix your hair or put on better clothes.

Coffee is all that was occupying your mind, and when you walked into the kitchen, you went straight for the coffee pot.

"Wow," Castiel said once you walked in. Sam and Dean had better things to do which is why they weren't in here. You hardly saw the Angel as you poured your coffee into your cup. Turning around, you looked at him with a confused look.

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