It's Just The Beginning

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Pairing: Cop!Castiel x Cop!Reader

Word Count: ~1k

Warnings: minor angst

Summary: You and Castiel have been friends a lot longer than you have been enemies, so you're not exactly sure why things are the way they are now. All you do know is that your ex is coming your way, and Castiel is the only person you can turn to–friend or enemy.


You're in a room full of people you know and love, but you don't want to be here. You'd rather be at home where you can play some video games or watch some TV without worrying about what your coworkers are going to do this weekend. Your best friend and police partner made you come to this office work party, but she is nowhere to be found. You two arrived at the same time, but you've been here at least an hour and you've only seen her for maybe five minutes.

She has a crush on one of the guys who works in the evidence locker, and she needed some moral support from afar, apparently. If anyone off the street were to walk in, they wouldn't even know this place was filled with cops. Everyone is dressed in casual and casual formal clothing. The only indication that this is a police station is because of the decor.

You're about five seconds from deciding to go home when you spot him in the corner. Your former partner. Castiel Novak used to be the sweetest person you've ever known. You two used to be great partners, always working in unison to get the bad guy and finish the paperwork. It's only until he got moved to a different section that he became an asshole to you.

You're not sure what changed, but he doesn't act like he used to. He always takes the good cases from you, whenever something goes wrong he blames it on you or your team, and he never refills the coffee pot when he knows you're going to get coffee after him. There's a lot more stuff that he does that irritates you, but it only makes you sadder for him. He used to be your best friend, but now he's your enemy.

Something must have happened to him where he was before to make him hate you so much because you definitely didn't do anything wrong. You still see him every day because you both have mutual friends shared between you. Seeing him over there with your friends makes your blood boil because he has this perfect smile and these twinkling blue eyes like nothing ever happened.

You used to love him so much, but you never got the chance to tell him.

"Hey, Y/N! Come over here!"

One of your friends from his circle is calling you over there. You and Castiel make eye contact, but it's hard to determine what he's thinking. They're all wanting you to come over so you have no choice but to do so, but you know Castiel doesn't want you over there. It's okay. If you ignore him, then maybe the night will go by faster so you can get home quicker.

"It's good to see you guys," you smile politely.

The group goes back to chatting about their weekend plans. You're kind of just standing there like a loser, not noticing how Castiel is just casually staring at you. Slowly, the group disperses to do other things and talk to other people. It's you and Castiel soon enough, and you just want to get away from him. Things are already awkward enough as it is.

"So, I'm going to go," you say. You turn to leave his side when you spot the one person you dislike more than Castiel... your ex. "Shit."

"What?" Castiel asks as if he's genuinely concerned.

Your ex, Jacob, got promoted to Lieutenant a year after you two were dating. Your relationship with him wasn't the best but it wasn't the worst, either. When he got promoted, it's like his ego grew five sizes. Suddenly, he didn't see the need to have you in his life anymore. He dumped you that same day because he thought he was too good for you. You really don't want him seeing you and thinking you came here alone, so you turn to Castiel with a racing heart.

"Look, Castiel, I know we aren't friends anymore and you hate me, but can you hold my hand and pretend to be my boyfriend for the next few minutes? My ex is heading this way, and I can't be on my own for this. Please?"

"Jacob is here?" he asks in confusion.

Castiel knows all about how Jacob mistreated you, so naturally, he wants to protect you. He never hated you in the first place. He only realized how he truly felt about you and couldn't deal with it like a man. He thought hating you and being mean to you would make them go away. In reality, it only makes them more permanent. Of course, he's not going to tell you this. Castiel doesn't have any time to answer because Jacob is already here.

"Hey, Y/N, Novak. Fancy seeing you two here. You here alone?" Jacob asks you.

You open your mouth to answer when you feel an arm wrap around your shoulders.

"She's here with me," Castiel answers.

"Really? Everyone can feel the hatred you have for her," Jacob laughs.

"Yeah, well, you've been misinformed. Y/N is amazing and a damn good detective. You lost someone truly special, but good for me because I'd never let her go. She lights up any room she walks into even if when I'm having a bad day. I know I can look at her smile and know my day is gonna get ten times better. She's smart and resourceful, and she has my back even if I don't want it."

You're staring up at Castiel with wide eyes and a parted mouth. Is he saying these things because he has to sell it or because he feels it?

"Damn, Castiel, I didn't ask for the entire play-by-play. I have Lieutenant shit to take care of, so I'll see you two later."

Jacob quickly leaves, and as soon as he's out of sight, Castiel takes his arm away from you. Your feelings for Castiel only amplified because of his words. You don't care if he said it only to sell it to your ex.

"Have a good night," Castiel says.

He quickly leaves your side and escapes from the work party, but you stand there looking like an idiot. You wish he would have stayed longer so you can ask him why you two aren't friends anymore. You feel more alone now than when you first arrived, so you pull your jacket tighter and head for home.

You have to work on getting through to Castiel, and tonight was step one. Step two might not be so hard after all.

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