Learn To Move On

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Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam, other unimportant people

Warnings: Angst throughout but also fluff at the end

Summary: After being dead for a year, you realize you've been given a chance at life and you don't want to spend it hunting. After failing to find Sam and Dean, you make your own life and live it without them. What happens when they finally find you?


You took your first breath in a year. Your head reached the surface as you took in your first big breath. You crawled out of your own coffin and scratched your way through the layers of dirt. You heaved yourself above ground and covered your eyes from the glaring sun from above. You coughed and fell to the ground, wondering why this was happening to you.

You remember dying. You remember your neck being snapped by a demon. You were stupid enough to take on that hunt alone without Sam or Dean but you did it anyway and it cost you your life. You don't remember much after that but now here you were, alive and breathing. You didn't know what brought you back and why. You hoped that Sam or Dean didn't give up their life for you. You wouldn't be able to live with yourself if they did.

You got up and shaky legs and brushed the dirt out of your hair and clothes. You looked around the empty field and wondered why you weren't burned but buried in a field. You began walking down the road, knowing you would hit civilization sooner or later. Immediately, your mind thought to the Winchesters and what they might be doing this very moment. You didn't know how long you had been gone but you hoped they were still alive. You didn't know what to do or say to them when or if you found them. But you knew one thing for certain...

... you were not hunting anymore.

Whoever or whatever brought you back did it for a reason and you weren't going to waste this second life. Being a hunter was sometimes a good thing. You got to help people and save lives but it also came with a really big price. Death and pain followed you wherever you went and you realized you didn't want that anymore. You wanted a normal life with a family and a normal job. That's what you always wanted even when you told yourself you didn't.

Truth be told, you were forced into hunting. Not by your family or friends but because of them. They all died mysteriously and that made you start digging and asking questions you didn't need to know. You met Sam and Dean along the way and started hunting with them when they realized that you had nothing left to go back to. Over the years, you've gotten quite close to Dean but you never acted on your feelings for him. You didn't want to mess up anything between you two. Hunting and relationships were never a good combination and you wouldn't have forgiven yourself if Dean died because of you. You wouldn't be able to live with yourself.

Sam constantly told you that Dean liked you because he knew of your feelings for him and of Dean's feelings for you but he never meddled. It would happen if the two of you wanted it to.

But it never did and you didn't think it ever would be.

As you walked, you could see a rundown gas station up ahead. You smiled and ran the rest of the way. It was broken down and vacant but you went in nonetheless. You prayed that the fridges were working even though you knew they probably wouldn't be. They weren't working but water was still water. You opened the fridge up and grabbed a water bottle, downing it quickly. You grabbed another bottle and did the same thing.

You sighed and grabbed a plastic bag to carry stuff with you when you left. You packed it with some water and grabbed chips and other snacks that didn't perish. You checked all the expiration dates and frowned when you saw it was a different year. You grabbed a magazine and looked at the date. It was 2018. You knew you died in 2017.

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