Here to Save the Day

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Characters: Sam Winchester x Reader, Dean Winchester, some monsters and minor characters

Warnings: minor angst, mostly fluff

Summary: After finishing a hunt, all you want to do is sit and eat with the Winchesters. Though, monsters always have a different agenda, always interrupting your day.


You struggle to open the door when you get back from getting food for you, Sam, and Dean. You just finished with a hunt that took a lot out of you, so you're looking forward to hanging out with the brothers and eating your favorite kind of food. The bags are crowding your arms, so you knock on the door with your foot. Dean should know you're coming back now, and thankfully he doesn't take long to get the door.

"Jeez, how much shit did you buy?" Dean jokes and takes two of the bags out of your arms.

"Are you kidding? I live with two very huge and very hungry men who could eat more than their body weight in food–and that's a lot. I had to get enough," you tease and head inside.

"We don't eat that much."

"Yeah, tell that to our grocery bill every week," you scoff and set the bags of food on the table before noticing your fiance isn't in the room. "Where is Sam?"

"He went out to get beer for us."

"Ew, you know I hate beer," you shudder.

"That's why I told him to grab your favorite wine, but he already knows this by now."

"Let's hope he's back soon or all the food is going to be gone," you jab.

"Shut up," he mumbles, but you know it's all banter.

You and Dean settle into the chairs and dig into the food immediately, eager to unwind for the rest of the night. The TV is on some channel that is some soap opera that you've never seen before, but Dean seems to like it.

"So, tell me," Dean clears his throat and wipes his face with a napkin, "about your wedding plans. Sammy hasn't really said much about it."

You chuckle and set down your food container before wiping your mouth.

"Sam doesn't care about anything as long as he's marrying me. I get that, but I've always wanted a wedding with all my friends and family, and by the sound of it, I still have those," you tease. "My parents are expecting something big, my friends are all excited about it, and I'm excited to be able to have it even though I'm hunting."

"Yeah, you're lucky," Dean chuckles.

"So, we don't know a lot of the details yet, but I know my mom is excited to go dress shopping," you laugh.

"It'll be nice to see Sammy wear something than all that plaid. You two deserve it."

"You deserve it too. It'll happen to you one day. You just need to want it to happen. Let yourself be happy. It's not the end of the world."

"Yeah," Dean whispers and goes back to eating.

"Where the hell is Sam? He should be back by now, right?" you frown and check the time.

"Yeah, he should be."

"I'm going to see if he's okay. Probably held up at the liquor store."

You abandon your food and grab your jacket and the room key. The liquor store is only down the street, so you quickly jog over there since it's faster than taking a car. Plus, Dean doesn't trust you driving his car... not after you crashed her the third time. They weren't your fault, but he associates you driving his car with bad luck, so you're never driving that thing again.

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