All Is Forgiven (AU)

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Characters: Dean Winchester x Reader

Warnings: fluff, crack, angst in the middle, Dean is a stress bubble

Summary: All you had to do was pick up Dean from work. All you had to do was one thing, and you can't seem to do that right.


"I hope your day was better than mine," you said from your spot on the couch. Kicking up your feet, you placed them onto the armrest as you talked to your best friend/roommate/crush of all time.

"Trust me, I wish I could stay at home all day," Dean sighed.

"I have that interview tomorrow. I really hope I get this job. I know it hasn't exactly been easy on you."

"Yeah," he sighed.

"What's going on, Dean? What happened?" Hearing him like this broke your heart because you knew he worked his ass off at his job without anything in return. He's been that way his whole life even though some people took advantage of him, like his current boss.

When the two of you got an apartment together, you thought it was going to be the best time ever. Most days it was because you got to come home to the love of your life, talk to him, spend time with him. He didn't even know you loved him for who he was. However, sometimes spending too much time with one person can be bad no matter how much you love them.

After college, he had two options: move back in with his parents or stay with his brother and his wife. Deciding that those weren't going to be his only two options, you two ended up getting an apartment together. It was hard to pay the bills as both you and Dean didn't have a job yet, but you turned it all around.

A couple of years after that, you had lost your job because someone framed you of being a part of an inside job within the company. As much as you tried, you could not prove it wasn't you and ended up losing it. It's been hard ever since to find a decent job that was willing to look past the suspected betrayal.

"Just the usual shit from my boss, you know how it is. To top it all off, I was going to go out for lunch, but my car broke down. I'm going to need a ride home after work. Can you pick me up? I will have to come back on the weekend to get it towed."

"Yeah, anything. I'll be there."

"Thanks, Y/N. I have to get back to work. I'll see you at 6."

"Okay," you whispered before hanging up. Hearing Dean's voice all broken, you decided there was only one thing in this world that might cheer him up; his favorite meal from the Chinese place he loved so much. The only problem is that it's all the way across town. Because there was a bar attached to the restaurant, it doesn't open until 5 anyway so you will have to haul ass to get the food and pick up Dean.

He's done so much shit for you in the past 5 years, that it's your turn to try and start paying him back. He has been the only constant in your life so far, and you were not going to let him down with this one.


"Shit," you muttered once you saw the line to the restaurant. They must be getting popular because the line was out the door. Not by much, but you knew you would be running low on time to get to Dean. Hoping that it wouldn't take that long, you parked the car and stood in line. Dean's whole evening was depending on you and this food to make it back to the apartment in time.

A few minutes turned to ten which then turned to 40, and you were finally getting back into the car with the hot food. Dean's work was 30 minutes away, but if you were ten minutes late, you should be fine... right?

However, you forgot about the traffic and it was particularly bad this time since it was nearing the end of the week, and people just wanted to get home. You didn't expect traffic to be this bad, and when you finally did pull up to Dean's work, he wasn't there. Looking at the clock, you realized it was way after 6, almost 7.

"Shit," you cursed as you pulled away from the curb, racing to your apartment. Cautiously walking inside with the food, you found Dean leaning on the kitchen island with a hard look on his face. "Dean..."

"Where were you?" he asked in a cold voice.

"I was getting food for you at that Chinese place you love so much," you spoke in a quiet voice.

"I waited out there for an hour before someone offered me a ride home," he sighed, grabbing a hold of his tie and ripping it off his neck. Gulping, you felt bad for not being there for him but wanted to explain yourself to him.

"Dean, I am so sorry, but I wanted you to come home to a nice dinner, and I lost track of time."

"When is it my turn to get something I want?" he exclaimed, making you jump at the sudden change of tone. "I have been trying to pay the bills all by myself because you can't seem to get a job, much less keep one!"

"I'm trying, Dean," you got tears, but refused to let them fall. He as doing this to you because he was tired, angry, and emotionally drained. You knew he didn't mean all of this, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt any less. "I have been going to interview after interview, but no one wants to hire me! I didn't mean to stick you with all the bills, and I don't have any more money in my savings to help."

"You know, all I asked for was to be picked up at 6, and you can't even do that right," he scoffed before leaving the kitchen and to his room. As soon as the door slammed, you let the tears fall freely. Looking at the Chinese food, you decided to put it in containers since you weren't going to let it go to waste. Maybe Dean will feel better tomorrow and want it then.

Hoping your cries couldn't be heard from his room, you shakily got out a few containers before scooping the food out and placing it in them. Maybe you weren't doing enough, and maybe he would be better off if you weren't here.

Dean ripped off his jacket, frustrated with himself. He should have never taken his anger out on you. He didn't even mean anything he said. He knew you were trying, and losing your job wasn't your fault. All you wanted to do was give him his favorite meal, and he yelled at you for it.

Work was really stressing him out, and he didn't know how to let out all that pent-up energy. Instead of releasing it healthily, he released it on you. Rolling up his sleeves, he opened his door and peek at the kitchen, seeing you place the food into containers and crying.

"Damn it," he muttered before leaving his room to go to you. "Y/N, I'm sorry."

"It's fine," you sniffled and wiped your eyes, hoping he didn't see your tears.

"No, it's not fine. I yelled at you because I was angry for what happened at work, and it wasn't right. You didn't deserve it, and you went all the way across town just to get me the food I like. It's me who can't do anything right. I can't even thank my best friend for going out of her way to try and make me happy."

"I know you didn't mean what you said, but it still hurt," you whispered.

"I know, and I am so sorry," he sighed, resting his body on the counter in front of you. "You do so much for me. Please, forgive me?"

Everyone knew you couldn't stay mad at Dean. Hearing the guilt in his voice gives you an assurance that he really is sorry. He is usually never like this, and you will always find it in your heart to forgive him.

"This food is still hot, if you want it," you offered, looking into his eyes. He sighed before reaching out and wiping a stray tear with his thumb.

"Why don't we share it? Right now, I could use some time with my best friend. Besides, who else is going to use the chopsticks as tusks?"

"I knew you liked it when I do that," you grinned, sadness forgotten. Grabbing the chopsticks out of the bag, you began opening them. Dean couldn't help but smile as he watched you, vowing that he was never going to yell at you again. He loved you too much to hurt you like that again. Maybe one day he'll tell you how he feels.

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