Dog Day Afternoon

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Characters: Dog!Jack Kline x Reader, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester

Warnings: just all the fluff

Summary: When you get a surprise at the Bunker, you decide to make the best of what you got.


Trudging down the metal stairs, you sighed as the hunt you just returned from had kicked your ass. Sam and Dean stayed out of this one when you told them it was a few towns over, and that you could take care of it yourself. They've been working their asses off recently, and you thought it'd be best to give them a break.

Little did you know, the run-of-the-mill ghost hunt turned out to be something much greater. It would have been nice to have a little back-up, but you got it done all by yourself. Now, the only thing you can think about is a nice, relaxing hot bath to ease your sore muscles.

"Sam! Dean! I'm back!" you called out once you reached the foot of the stairs. A crash sounded from one end of the Bunker, and you faintly heard Dean's shouts before two sets of footsteps came running down the halls.

"Jack! Come back here!" Sam yelled as he ran around the corner and into view of you. What he was chasing wasn't the baby-turned-adult, it was a corgi puppy, and it was dead set on running up to you. Before you had a chance to digest what was going on, the corgi puppy jumped into your arms and started to lick your face.

"What the hell?" you asked, recoiling from the small animal.

"Hey, Y/N," Dean said from behind his brother, scratching his neck nervously.

"I've been gone about a week and you decide to get a puppy?" you looked into its eyes, and a few seconds passed and they turned a deep gold before returning to their normal color. "What the hell?"

"Yeah, that isn't a puppy. It's Jack," Sam chuckled nervously.

"This is... Jack?" you asked, holding the puppy in a new way now. He stared into your eyes before sneezing. He then wagged his tail and barked happily.

"We had a bit of an accident while out on a supply run. We ran into a witch, and she had some things against Angels, found out Jack was half angel and then turned him into this. We don't know when it will wear off," Dean explained.

"How long has he been like this?"

"Since you left," Sam answered in a quiet tone.

"He's been an animal since I left, and you haven't found a way to reverse the effects?" you asked with your eyebrows raised to your hairline.

"You know what it's like to take care of him? It's bad enough when he's a human," Dean scoffed which angered Jack. He began barking at him, and you had to try and calm him down.

"He didn't mean it, Jack," you said, scratching behind his ears. All focus on Dean drained away, and he stopped barking, focusing on what you were doing to him instead.

"Now that you're back, it gives us time to figure out how to change him back," Sam pleaded with you.

"And you expect me to watch him while you do that?"

"He's always been more attached to you than to us. Please, Y/N? With Dean and I working on this, it'll go by quickly."

"I guess," you sighed, giving into Sam's puppy-dog eyes. That man always knew how to get what he wanted.

"Great. We'll go get started on that. Thanks," Sam gave you a quick smile before grabbing his brother's arm and pulling him out of the room.

"Okay," you sighed, looking at Jack who stared at you, "can you understand what I'm saying? Bark once for yes." Jack immediately barked once, giving you your answer. "Okay, great. Now, I am going to get changed for bed, and you try not to make too much of a mess in my room."

Picking up your fallen bag, you walked to your room and threw your bag to the corner. Setting Jack down on the bed, you walked over to your dresser and grabbed some comfy pajamas. All thoughts of having a nice bath were thrown out the window when you got placed on puppy duty. Getting ready to change, you looked at Jack who just stared at you.

"Turn around, Jack," you commanded, and he did exactly as he was told. It wasn't like you minded, you had a bit of a thing for Jack but never acted on it. He was still so naive about the world, you wanted him to get used to emotions and humanity before you made a move on him. Quickly getting dressed, you put your dirty clothes in the hamper before joining Jack on the bed. He got up, wagged his tail, and trotted over to you.

"What are we going to do with you?" you asked and picked him up. Laying on the bed, you set him on your stomach. He seemed to like it there and walked in a circle a few times before laying down. "I'm glad you're comfortable."

The day was practically over, so you were going to deal with this after you've had a cup of coffee tomorrow morning. New day, new you.


"Okay, we need something to occupy your mind," you said to Jack. He sat on one of the library tables and stare at you, not sure what you wanted him to do.

"Want to go outside? It gives you some room to run around, and I could use the fresh air," you suggested, and he seemed to like that as his tail started wagging. Scooping him up, you walked up the metal stairs and pushed open the door. Winter wasn't here yet, and the crisp afternoon of the autumn air filed your nostrils, bringing you back to a time that was much simpler. A time that wasn't filled with monsters and danger whenever you lurked.

Jack squirmed in your arms, and you placed him on the ground, watching as he ran toward a small pile of leaves before jumping into them. Looking around the yard, you saw it was completely covered with autumn leaves. That gave you an idea on how to spend the day while Sam and Dean looked for a cure.

"Jack!" you called out, and he came running the second the word left your mouth. "How would you feel if I created giant piles of leaves. Ones that we both can jump into. Sound good?" Jack began barking at this, loving the idea. "Okay, stay right here while I get the rake. Don't move."

Taking a few steps back, you rushed to the garage where you grabbed the rake, peeking over the side to see Jack in the same position you left him in. Shaking your head with a smile, you walked back over to him and began raking up the leaves. Jack watched you with interest but didn't leave his place on the ground.

Working your way around the yard, you created big piles of leaves, and you knew you would have a fun time as you jumped into them. This was one of the many activities you got to do when you were a child. Growing up, you had 8 siblings with you being the 4th oldest. Each year, tons of leaves fell from the trees and it gave you and your siblings time to make piles and jump into them. You're just recreating those moments you can never have back.

When you finished, you placed the rake on the side of the Bunker before walking over to a patient Jack.

"Okay, Jack, when I say go, we will run a pile of leaves and jump right into it. It's easy for you since you're so small to begin with. I could have made the piles smaller, but I'm not as small as you. Ready?" you asked, and Jack barked several times in excitement.

"Okay, one... two... three... GO!" you yelled, running towards a pile of leaves. Jack took off in a different direction, and jumped, disappearing in the pile of leaves he chose. Running to the one you thought would be good for you, you jumped and landed in the leaves, growing when you landed wrong.

It was fun when you were a child, but now that you were much older, your body didn't like you crash landing on the ground. Laughing as the memories surrounding this activity, you felt paws climb up the side of your body. Leaves that shot into the air due to your impact came floating down on top of you and Jack as he reached your face.

"I'm getting too old for this," you laughed, petting his body. He jumped up and down on your chest before laying on it. Watching the leaves fall, it seemed kind of peaceful to lay here. Jack watched you watch the leaves, and he tried to figure out a way to tell you how he feels when he got back to his normal form. Seeing you smile like this made him realize he never wanted you to stop.

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