Say Hello to My Little Friend

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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader

Warnings: morning wood

Word Count: 393

A/N: pictures are not mine, but i made the aesthetic.



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Sometimes when you go on hunts, you're not always given the most luxurious things. The Bunker is the best thing to happen to you and the brothers, but when you have to travel across the country for a hunt, you have to settle for a motel room. Best case scenario is that the motel has two rooms so each of you can sleep in your own bed. Worst case scenario is that there is only one room, and you have to share a bed with one of the brothers.

You love them like family, but you have a hard time separating your family feelings and your romantic feelings for the eldest Winchester. You try not to act on it, especially when you're sleeping in the same bed as him. Sam offered to have you sleep with him, but he's such a large man that he takes up most of the room anyway. Dean isn't that much smaller, but he is smaller than his brother.

You've actually gotten a solid eight hours of sleep hotch is a lot more than what you usually get. You're resting comfortably in bed when you shift positions and feel something against your ass. Your eyes shoot open, but you don't move an inch. If what you feel is what you think it is, then you're going to have a problem. You're going to have a hard time cooling down in a cold shower.

You wiggle your hips slightly to confirm that what you feel is what you think it is when Dean grabs your hips to stop you.

"You need to stop moving."

"Oh my God, what is that?" you whisper.

"I'm sorry... it's morning," he says shyly.

Dean is much bigger than you thought he was, and because he is only wearing sweats, you can feel everything. A blush creeps up your neck and to your cheeks, but you don't turn around to face him. You're not sure you'd be able to control yourself if you did.

"Okay then," you chuckle.

If you stay in this bed any longer, you're going to do something you might regret. You slide out of bed and high tail it to the bathroom. Dean watches and sighs, hating himself for the mistake he's made. One of these days he will tell you how he feels, but today is not that day.

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