He Gives You Everything You Need

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Characters: Sam Winchester x Skinwalker!Reader, Dean Winchester

Warnings: being sick as a wolf, just so much fluff

Request: Reader is a werewolf (she can shift into a wolfie) and she gets sick, and she's stuck in her wolf form, so they have to take care of her as a wolf.

Summary: Shifting between your human form and your wolf form is painful enough as it is. Add an illness, and it's unbearable.


It's that time of the season where the common cold makes it way back into civilization. Some people get it, and some don't, and it's usually the people who don't think they're going to get it. You're one of those people. You haven't done anything to warrant otherwise, but the cold found you through the sea of people. What's worse is that you're a shapeshifter and have been stuck in your wolf form for a while now. Sam and Dean think you're stuck, but you like this version of yourself a lot better than the human version.

There's just something so satisfying about being a dog. You have no responsibilities, you can run around in mud all day, you get to eat whatever you can fit into your mouth, and no one questions you when you do anything. You like being human when Sam and Dean are on a case because you get to help them out a lot better than if you were a wolf. There are certain things you can do as a human, and certain things you can do as a wolf.

You can't have both.

When you turned back into your wolf form, you didn't know you had already contracted the common cold. You could go to the veterinarian, but you'd much rather go to a human doctor. They know what they're doing more than veterinarians. If you're in pain, then you might switch from a wolf to a human in front of the doctor. As a human, you know you can take the pain. If you'd known you'd be sick, then you might have stayed in your human form just a little while longer. After years of going through this, you know it's better to be sick as a human than as an animal. You can't communicate properly about what you need and how you're feeling if you're a dog.

You'd switch back, but it's a very painful process.

Most people think shapeshifting is an easy thing to do when really, it's full of pain and agony. Your bones shift to fit the animal or human you're trying to imitate. Your nervous system has to be rewired in order to accommodate the thing you're turning into. It's why you like to stay in your wolf form whenever you're at home. You've been shifting since you could walk, so the pain isn't that bad, but it's not like it's a walk in the park either.

Sam and Dean are home right now since there is no case to handle. You're very sick, but you know you'd feel a little bit better if you're in the arms of one of the brothers. Dean is working on his car since you can smell the oil. Even with your congested nose, you can still smell the potent oil. Sam is reading in the library while sitting on the chair you got at a swap meet for only 20 bucks. It's big and comfy, but it's also full of dust. You tried getting as much dust out of it as possible, but there is still a lingering smell.

You walk into the library with your ears bent and your tail between your legs. You're a small dog for a wolf but bigger than the average pet. Sam looks up from his book when he hears your nails tapping against the wood floors.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asks when you get to his feet.

You look up and whimper at him with the biggest puppy dog eyes you know you can do. You howl softly and sneeze, looking down once more.

"Are you sick?" he asks, and you nod your head.

You've learned to understand human language whenever you're taking on the form of an animal. It was hard to get used to, but you're a pro at it now.

"Why don't you shift back into a human and take some medicine?"

You tip your head back and howl as if you're telling him, "fuck you, no, I'm not going to do that". He knows how much it hurts you to shift, so he can only imagine what the pain would be like if you're not feeling well.

"Are you hungry? I can get you something light to eat. How does chicken sound? I know we still have some."

All you can do is nod, and he gets up to cook you the meat. Humans wouldn't eat chicken if they aren't feeling well, but since you're a dog, the meat is good for your stomach. Dogs and humans have different digestive systems when it comes to being sick and what they can and can't eat. It doesn't take Sam long to cook the chicken, and soon he's sitting back in his chair. He's about to lay the plate on the floor when you hop onto his lap. He chuckles and makes enough room so that it's comfortable for both of you.

"Want me to feed you?" he asks.

He does so without your response since he knows how much you like it. Even as a human, you like it when people feed you (especially Sam). He takes a big piece of chicken and holds it out for you, and you snatch it up. The chicken is at the right temperature, so it doesn't burn your mouth, and you quickly swallow it. You eat everything on the plate in less than five minutes. It would have taken you one or two, but you wanted to take your time with this.

As soon as Sam moves the plate out of the way, you rest your head on his chest and close your eyes. You're very tired and worn out, and he allows you to use him as a pillow. He smells so good and feels so comfy that you don't want to move. He reaches up and pets your head while reading his book with one hand. He scratches your head lightly with his fingernails, and it's enough o put you into a light sleep.

Dean comes in while wiping the oil that's on his hands off on a towel and sees you and Sam together. He knows his brother has had a crush on you for the past few years, and he's never done anything about it. He knows about your crush on his brother too, and he's going to do something about it soon if you two don't.

"What's going on?" he asks and nods to you.

"She's sick, and so I made her some chicken to eat."

"You tell her how you feel yet?"

"No, Dean, and I don't think I'm going to."

"Why not? She's the perfect woman for you. Why are you so afraid?"

"Can we not talk about this right now? She's right here."

"She's asleep. I can hear her snores even from where I'm standing. What are you afraid of?"

"I'm not," Sam mumbles.


"Would you just drop it?"

"How can I when I always see you two eye-fucking each other whenever either of you looks away. You know she won't turn you down."

"I know. I guess that's what I'm afraid of. She deserves someone better than me."

"You are the only one who is good for her. We've known her for, what, ten years? I've never seen two people get along so well like the two of you."

"How can I be sure I'd give her what she needs? What she wants? She... I mean–she's... she's sweet, and she's beautiful, and she's just kinda sorta perfect. What can I offer her?"

"That's a question you have to answer. Ask her out before someone else does. She won't wait for you forever," Dean says and leaves the room.

Sam knows you'll eventually give up waiting for him and look for someone else. He knows he should have asked you out years ago, but he's too afraid that you won't ever be satisfied with him. He can't give you everything you deserve, and he doesn't know how you feel about that. If you happened to reject him, he won't ever come back from that. It'll ruin what you two have now. But, then again, if you accept him for who he is, then he could have years filled with love and happiness with the woman he loves.

The reason you went to Sam is that he makes you feel safe. There is no one in the entire world you'd rather spend your life with than the man whose arms you're in. He may not be able to give you everything you want, but he definitely gives you everything you need.

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