Not The Man I Love

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Characters: Soulless!Sam Winchester x Reader, Dean Winchester

Warnings: angst, possessiveness

Summary: Sam just isn't the same after coming back from Hell. He isn't the man you fell in love with.


The worst thing you've ever lived through was seeing the love of your life jumping into the cage with his half-brother Adam to save the rest of the world. The love of your life died to save you. Sam was one of those people who was selfless and always thought of others before himself. It's one of the reasons you fell in love with him.

However, you two weren't official in his eyes. He'd still go out to bars and flirt with girls, occasionally take them home, but you were always there for him when he needed it. Some might call it friends with benefits, but it was much more than that. More often than not, you two would stay up all night and talk about your feelings and thoughts of what was happening. He'd share stuff with you that not even Dean knew, yet he still couldn't man up and ask you to be his girlfriend.

On some level, you knew that this was only temporary, that you two would be together forever exclusively. When he jumped into the cage to save you, it was all over then. Sam was never coming back, and you had to move on without him. Months would go by where you'd hook up with random strangers just to take the pain away. Dean noticed how sad you'd gotten but didn't say anything about it. He missed his brother too, but you were with him and he needed to take care of you. It's what Sam would have wanted.

After about 4 months of doing your own thing, you and Dean ran into Sam. Yes, he somehow had gotten out of the pit, but he wasn't the same. It was in the way he'd talk to you or to other women, how he'd fight with Dean about the most littlest things. There was something about him that was different, and no matter how many times you tried to ask him about how he got out or what happened down there, he just couldn't seem to remember.

It took a while for you two to become a thing once more, but those long nights were gone. All he wanted from you was sex, and he wouldn't even hold you afterward. He stopped talking to you like before, and maybe that was normal considering where he'd been. Dean saw the subtle differences of pre-cage Sam and post-cage but couldn't put his finger on it. All you needed to do was give Sam some space, and he'd be yours again once more.

The first sign you caught onto was how possessive he became. He wouldn't let you leave his sight, he always wanted to know where you were and who you were with. Forget talking to guys in the bar, he'd scare them away with one threatening glance. He didn't let you play pool with other men anymore, not after seeing the look in their eyes once they looked at your ass. He was even cautious about letting you be alone with Dean, but he was more lenient with that. At first, you didn't notice his possessive side until you started to listen to what he had to say.

"We're going on a hunt. Pack your bags," Sam said when he walked into the motel room.

"Can't you get your buddies to go with you? Dean and I want to go to the bar tonight. We've been hunting non-stop," you said.

"We need to do it. Come on, I need your help with this. Both of you."

"Where is it and what kind of monster?" Dean asked.

"A simple salt and burn."

"Then why can't you do it? You seem to be taking on a lot of cases on your own these days."

"You are not going to the bar alone. I don't care if Dean is with you or not. Pack your things," Sam declared before leaving the room with his bags.

"What the hell is his problem? Why is he acting this way?"

"On second thought, I'll go with you guys. More heads the better," Dean chuckled nervously as he began packing his things. It was weird how much of a dick Sam had been lately, but it was probably Lucifer messing with his head.

After gathering your items, you and Dean walked to the car before getting inside. If Sam wanted to keep acting this way, fine, but there was only so much you can handle before you snapped.


After finding out where the ghost was and its bones, you thought it would be best for you to go torch the bones while Sam and Dean fought the ghost and protected anyone who came near. If it weren't for your injured leg, you would have stayed with the brothers while one of them left to do the bones, but this was the best way.

A few hunts ago, you fell the wrong way and ended up spraining your ankle. It was still sore so you wouldn't be able to perform your best tonight with the injury.

"Okay, you two stay here while I'll go torch the bones," you said before packing your duffel bag with the lighter fluid and salt can.

"No, Dean can do that. I want you with me," Sam immediately rejected your idea.

"Sam, it's best if she does that. Her ankle–"

"Her ankle is fine. I'll watch out for her," Sam interrupted.

"Okay, Sam, I've been quiet this entire time, but you can't tell me what to do. You two are better for this job anyway."

"Y/N, I don't care. You are safer in there with me than out here by yourself. You are staying with me, and that is final. You are mine," he growled as he stepped closer to you. This is what made you snap. Raising your right hand, you went to slap his face, but he caught your wrist just in time. Seeing he was holding his gun in his other hand, you pulled back your left hand and slapped him hard across the face. Yanking your arm free from his grasp, Dean just stared at the two of you with wide eyes.

"Fuck you, Sam. I am not yours, and you certainly can't tell me what to do. Whatever is going on with you, I am done. I don't know what happened to you in the cage, but you're not the same Sam I knew. For one, he wouldn't talk to me this way. I want you to stay the hell away from me until you learn some damn manners," you snapped, snatching Dean's keys from his hand before walking to the driver's side. Sam went to go after you, but Dean placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him.

"Let her go," Dean said as you peeled away from the brothers. The love of your life was gone, and you didn't know if he was ever coming back.

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