A New Beginning

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Characters: Castiel x Archangel!Reader, Jack Kline, The Winchesters

Warnings: angst? fluff?

Summary: It's been a while since you've gone back home, and this time, you're going back to save the one person you put your trust in fully.


"He's been gone for a while which is why we called you. You know Heaven better than anyone, and we need you to go get him," Dean said.

"I can't go back," you whispered fearfully. "Why can't you send Jack? He's powerful enough."

"Not as powerful as you," Sam said.

"Plus, I don't want to do it alone. I've never been to Heaven," Jack spoke up.

"Shit," you muttered to yourself. Going back to Heaven was the one thing you never wanted to do. After Michael was killed, Lucifer was freed, Raphael was murdered, and Gabriel disappeared, you were the only archangel left to run things. Despite being the oldest and most powerful archangel, Michael handled things better than you did which is why he was so good at running Heaven in the absence of your father.

When people thought of archangels, they thought of the four brothers. Almost always, they would forget you even existed because you were made far before your brothers. Not only were you the oldest by millennia, but you were also much more powerful than the four of your brothers combined. After the fall of Heaven, you refused to go back since you were afraid of what the angels would think of you. They counted on you to make things right, but you've been gone for so long that you didn't know if you could do a good job. Instead, you fled and hid from the rest of your family. You've been gone for so long that they thought you were dead.

Only recently you thought you turn on your angel radio to see what has been going on when you heard Sam and Dean's prayers. Castiel had been taken by Heaven for some unknown reason, and they needed some assistance from someone who cared. While growing up, Castiel was your favorite brother. He looked up to you in the way most of your siblings did, but you grew close with one another quickly.

He was the only brother you knew would understand why you left Heaven. Even though Gabriel did the same thing, you didn't think he would understand as much as Castiel. There was a time where you were like Castiel–a soldier, an obedient daughter, and would only follow what Heaven wanted.

Until recently.

Heaven was corrupt because of Lucifer. He started giving the Angels reasons to believe that Heaven could be something new. Metatron was another reason why Heaven became different than what you knew it to be. Because of those angels, you feared going back again because you didn't know if you could make it better. You didn't know if you wanted to make it how it was before.

Knowing Castiel was up there with your brothers and sisters convinced you to go back. But you wouldn't be going back for them, but for him. He needed you right now because he believed you were still alive when no one was did. Looking at your nephew and the Winchesters, you saw the hopeful looks on their faces. If you were going to plan a siege against Heaven, then you needed to do it right.

"Fine, I'll do what you need me to do. But, we're going to do it my way. Understood?"

"You're the boss," Dean grinned.

"Good. You two stay out of my way. You're useless for this job since you can't get into Heaven. Jack and I will bring back Castiel. You have my word on it," you said before leading Jack away from the open-mouthed brothers.

"Did she really just say that?" Dean asked.

"I guess we let her do her thing," Sam shrugged.

"What do you need me to do?" Jack asked while you thought of the perfect plan.


Approaching the sandbox which was really the door to Heaven, someone came rushing out of the woods to protect the gate when he stopped with wide eyes.

"Y/N. You're alive."

"Hello, brother. What have I missed?" you grinned.

"You want to go into Heaven?"

"Are you going to let me?"

"Can you even stop me from preventing it?"

"You know that I can."

"You're bringing Lucifer's son with you?"

"Is that a problem?"

"No," he shook his head when he knew he couldn't defeat you by himself.

"Good, then out of my way," you said as he did as he was told. Taking Jack's hand, you led him to the gate just as it opened. As soon as it was fully opened, you two stepped through. Looking around the white lobby area, you realized none of the angels were inside. They must know you were here. If the lower level angel didn't tell them about your arrival, then they would feel your presence.

"You know what to do," you said to Jack. He nodded a few times before leaving your side and going off to find the control room. Looking around the empty place, you followed the aroma of your siblings which led you to a conference room where they all were.in the mix was Castiel, and he locked eyes on you as you entered the room. He was shocked as everyone was, but you needed to ignore him for now.

"Surprised to see me?" you asked.

"We thought you were dead," Naomi said as she stood up.

"I might as well have been. I wasn't here for you when you needed it, and for that, I apologize," you said as you began walking around the room. Castiel's eyes never left you, following you wherever you went.

"What are you doing back? Now of all times?" Joshua asked skeptically.

"Heaven is dying, and you know that when I was created, I was given the gift to make new angels. Did you forget that? I'm pretty sure you were there for the ceremony. I am your only hope in saving what little we have here."

"Little? How dare you!" another angel scoffed.

"Am I wrong?" you asked as you reached Castiel. Placing your hands on his shoulders, you stared at each angel before speaking again. "It was your fault Lucifer was set free. Your fault that Heaven went to shit. Your fault that so many of our brothers and sisters died during the unnecessary fight we had against ourselves. Zachariah and Uriel wanted Lucifer and Michael to be set free to fight one another, and so many of you backed them up because of it.

"What happened, happened, and I don't blame you for having a mind of your own, but this doesn't feel like a family to me anymore. We're doing what we want with the resources we have, and we aren't stopping to consider how we're affecting each other."

"And where were you when this all went down? You know you could have stopped Lucifer from being set free. You could have stopped any of it, but you decided to take a vacation."

"You're right. I was scared to come home. But I'm back now, and things are going to be a lot different around here. Michael was never supposed to take over. I was, and now I will. But first, I need Castiel," you said just as the power went off in the entire room. Grinning, you used your powers to get Castiel out of the room and to the meeting place you set up with Jack.

"Come on, the Winchesters need you on Earth," you said to Castiel as you put your hand on the door to leave.

"Why me? You could easily help them."

"Do you think I was going to let my favorite brother be stuck in here with them? Hell no. You're coming with me," you grinned as Castiel matched yours. Stepping through the door with your family, you landed on Earth, determined to make this a new beginning for everyone.

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