Taking A Break

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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader

Warnings: forgetting to eat, shaking from not eating, fluff at the end

Word Count: 488


Your life has been filled with a bunch of monsters from all over the country, but you've never had to deal with shit like this. The Darkness has been released which also brought out her brother, God into the open. They are two of the most powerful creatures known in the entire universe, and it's too much weight sitting on your shoulders.

You're having to deal with shit you never thought you had to ever deal with. It's overwhelming for one person to take on. Luckily, you have Sam, Dean, and Castiel to help, but even then it's too much. The Darkness, or Amara, is going to ruin everything if you don't stop her which is what you're trying to figure out here.

There has to be something in the Men of Letters' bunker on the Darkness. You've been reading for the past day and a half, pulling out your hair and only ever getting up to drink some water. Sam and Dean have been helping, but it seems like it's not enough.

Amara is only going to get stronger the more she is on her own, so you have to find something to stop her.

The day passes by without any luck, and by the third day, you're seeing the words lift from their pages. You don't know how much time has passed, but you know it's not good to see the words and letters dance across the page. You wipe your eyes tiredly before sighing deeply.

Dean comes into the library with a plate of grilled cheese sandwiches for you.

"You need to take a break," he says and sets the plate next to your books.

"Are you kidding me? We're not closer to stopping Amara, and you want me to take a break?"

"Y/N, you're shaking."

You look down at your hands to see them shaking from the lack of food. You squeeze your hands into fists and move them out of his sight.

"I'm fine."

"Take a break."

"Or what? You'll make me?"

You don't mean to be so harsh, but you're just angry and frustrated nothing has come up. Dean doesn't say anything as he slides your chair away from the table. You don't have time to process what is happening as he picks you up from your seat. You want to fight him, but his arms feel so good wrapped around you. He takes you to the kitchen and sets you down, leaving only to get the plate of grilled cheese. You look at him with your eyes narrowed, but you both know you don't mean it.

"Don't give me that look. Eat, sleep, and bathe. Sam and I can take over for you. You don't have to do this alone."

Those sandwiches really do look good, and you could use the break to take care of you. Though, you know Dean will always do that for you when you forget to.

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