Still the Same Angel You Fell For

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Characters: Human!Castiel x Reader

Warnings: fluff

Summary: Castiel turns to you when he's turned into a human and stripped of his grace. You're there for him when Dean isn't.


As an angel, he didn't have to worry about sickness, disease, or any kind of illness since his Grace would regulate that kind of activity for him and cure it the minute his cells became unwell. Now that he was human, his body was much more vulnerable to any kind of disease, even the common cold. He had mucus coming out of his mouth every time he coughed, his nose was clogged, and his muscles ached even though he wasn't using them.

"In here," he coughed. "I haven't moved."

"You poor baby," you sighed as you knelt down next to your friend. If you were being honest, you hated seeing him this way since you had a major crush on him. When the brothers introduced you to their angel, you were pregnant with your first child. He vowed to stay by your side and give you updates on your baby that doctors simply couldn't make. He bonded with your child in more ways than one, and after you had your baby girl, she seemed to only want Castiel and no one else.

Due to having a child, you decided to retire from active hunting, only providing help if it meant reading in a book or getting simple ingredients for a spell. Not long after retiring, you got pregnant again and then a third time. Castiel was there for all three pregnancies, and he bonded with each of your children. He was there for you when no one else was, even after you kept crying telling him that you weren't going to get pregnant again.

He never judged you in what you did, and after you got pregnant for the third time, you swore off going to bars and taking men home. It's why you had three children and no husband to help. It's not like you needed a husband because Castiel was there in place of one. He helped you take care of your children, and when it became too much to do, you let Sam and Dean take them just to give you a break.

Castiel has always been there for you and now it was your turn to be there for him.

"How are you feeling?" you asked as you pressed the back of your hand to his sweaty forehead. Before you left, you took his temperature which was at 100.2, but his skin felt hotter than it was before. Hopefully, this medicine would make the fever go down and give him a little bit of an appetite so that he could eat something light.

"Am I dying?" he asked as he coughed.

"No, you're not. This is definitely just a cold. Fever, stuffy nose, and sore throat is everything a common cold has. Not so much fun being human, is it?" you chuckled.

"It's very, uh, cold in here, but I already have two blankets on me. What's wrong with me?" he whimpered. Moving some of his hair back from his eyes, you pressed a kiss to his forehead before grabbing the temperature.

"Sometimes fevers make us think we're really cold when we're not. Your core temperature heats up which makes you sweat out all the water in your body, and since there isn't enough water, you think you're cold. It's why drinking water when sick is very important. You may throw it up, but it's better than not throwing anything up. Open," you instructed before placing the thermometer under his tongue. When the machine beeped, it confirmed your suspicion about his temperature being higher than before.

"When is it going to go away?" he sniffled before coughing. There was mucus in the back of his throat, and you grabbed the big purple bowl which you named the "vomit bucket" before placing it near him. He turned over as he coughed before spitting you what he could.

"Good job, you're learning. Spitting it up is so much better than swallowing all that gunk. I got the medicine from the doctor who claims that it'll make the fever go down and clear up your nose. He suggested a lot of water and a lot of rest," you said before giving him the correct dosage of medicine.

"It tastes horrible," he coughed after he downed the sticky red liquid.

"I know, I hated this kind of medicine when I was a kid, but it'll make you feel better," you sighed. Castiel closed his eyes, and you thought he wanted some sleep, so you were about to get up when he grabbed your hand to stop you.

"Thank you for letting me stay here and for taking care of me."

"You took care of me when I needed you, so let me do the same. Just go to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up."

"Stay with me, please. I don't want to be alone," he said in a small voice. Sighing soundlessly, you lifted Castiel off the couch before sitting where his head used to be. Placing his head on your lap, you started to run your fingers through his hair comfortingly. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"No, I like-love you. As in I really want to try being intimate with you. I know humans do that sort of thing when they love each other."

"Castiel," you laughed. Even in his sick and human state, he was still the Castiel you loved. "Focus on getting better and then we can have that conversation." Looking down, you saw his eyes closed and heard light snores come from his open mouth. If he was being serious about that, then you were more than happy to go down that road with him. It's not every day that someone like him comes into your life.

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