Benefits of Snapchat

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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader

Warnings: age gap angst, fluff, implied smut at the end

Word Count: 468


You're just sitting in the library, minding your own business when your boyfriend, Dean, enters. You're reading one of the lore books, trying to get yourself familiar with some of the monsters they deal with when you sense how upset he is. You look up only to frown at his frown.

"What's going on, Dean?"

"Don't laugh at me, okay?"

He takes a seat right next to you, and you close your book to give him your undivided attention.

"I'd never laugh at you. What's up?"

"How the hell do you work Snapchat? What the hell is that?"

You do want to laugh, but you resist the urge to. You don't want to laugh only because this is a serious subject between the two of you. This issue has been ongoing ever since you two started dating. Dean is just about half your age–sixteen years–so he always has trouble trying to keep up with the time you're so familiar with.

One of the biggest arguments you always seem to have from time to time is that he feels like he is keeping you from being with someone your own age despite you always telling him how much you love him and only him. You don't care that he is twice your age, you fell in love with the person he is.

That's the reason why you don't laugh at him. He is trying to understand things you're interested in, and the best thing you can do is help him get there.

"It's an app that allows you to send pictures to people around the world. You can chat with them and share your location. It's just another social media app."

"Do you have one?"

"Yeah, I do," you smile at him.

"Sam made me an account, but I don't know how to use it. I feel so fucking old," he sighs.

"I think it's sexy. I like older men, but you're not old. I'll show you, I don't mind."

"But I mind."

"Dean, there's a reason why I love older men. They're more mature, they have more experience, and they don't dwell on the small things. You're perfect for me. I love you so much."

Dean just smiles at you instead of saying it back. You've been with him long enough to know he loves you without having to say it.

"WHat's so useful about this app if you just send pictures and chat?"

"Well, one upside is that the pictures are deleted after you open them. Makes it real convenient for all the sexy pictures I get to send you myself."

"Why have a picture when I can see it for myself?"

He forgets about the app almost instantly, his mind filled with thoughts of what he'd like to do to you all night long.

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