Just One More Picture!

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Characters: Jensen x Reader, Jared, the fans

Warnings: All fluff

Summary: Taking pictures with the fans are the best part of your job but sometimes, you just don't want to leave.


Working on Supernatural always gave you a thrill. If not, it was for the fact that you worked with your husband, Jensen. You met on the show, dated while you worked and eventually got married. You've been there since season 1 when the writers decided to add a best friend into the mix of the Winchesters' lives. You weren't dating Dean or Sam, by any means but that didn't stop you from falling in love with Jensen.

He was such a sweetheart to you, always making sure you were okay with what was going on and if you were okay after certain scenes. Sometimes, working on set took a toll on your body but Jensen was there through it all.

Jared was more like a best friend to you and Misha was like a brother. You could count on them to always make your day, even when you weren't feeling up to anything.

One of the best thing about working on such a popular show was the fans. They always made it worth it, to always keep going and to keep fighting. Every single convention was a blast and you got to meet amazing people and got to be friends with some of the regular attendees. You loved taking pictures with them, signing things and interacting with them as best as you can.

You always tried to get to everyone and pay attention to each and every person but sometimes you couldn't. Supernatural wouldn't be a show without the fans and they were loyal and excited when the writers announced there was going to be another season. Season 14 was on its way and you were excited to be working with Alexander Calvert more often. He was much younger than the rest of the cast but you treated him like family.

While on hiatus, you and the rest of the cast traveled the world to meet with people and do panels. This time, you were in Rome, Italy doing a convention there. You, Jensen, Jared and Misha were there but Alex couldn't make it since he came down with the flu. But you would try and make this convention memorable.

The car you and Jensen were in arrived at the convention center with Jared and Misha right behind you. You could hear the fans' scream and it became louder when you got out. You grinned at the cameras—both professional ones and cell phone ones.

"Y/N! Jensen!" The girls yelled and you couldn't help but walk over to them to at least get in a few pictures and signatures while Jared and Misha made their way over.

"Hi! How are you?" You asked a girl who greeted you back. You stood next to her and she snapped a picture from her phone, complimenting you.

"I love your hair." You said and moved onto the next person, signing their poster of the new season since it was already out. You did a few more signatures on things and a lot more pictures, talking with the fans as best as you could.

"Have any plans for the summer?" You asked another girl.

"Just going to conventions. I'm also going to the one in San Francisco." She grinned.

"Awesome! I can't wait to see you there!" You grinned and moved onto the next person, taking a picture with her.

"Okay, Y/N, we have to go in now." Your husband said, taking your elbow gently.

"Okay, okay." You waved at the cameras pointed to you and walked behind your husband. You passed by some girls who were yelling your name and your mistake was looking over at them. They smiled and tried to wave you over and you couldn't help but do just that. Jensen didn't seem to notice as you made your way to the girls.

"Hi!" You smiled and signed their posters, taking a few pictures with them.

"Sweetheart!" You looked up and saw Jensen waving you over.

"Just one more minute!" You said and turned back to the people.

"Jared and Misha are already inside." Jensen urged. He loved the fans as much as you did but you both needed to get inside.

"Okay, just one more photo." You said and tried to take another but Jensen sighed. If he didn't intervene, you would be out here all day. He shook his head and bent down, picking you up by your legs hoisting you over his shoulder. You squealed in surprise and slapped his back.

"Jensen! Put me down! I want to say bye!" You said, not embarrassed by this at all. You were always silly at panels and have done even more embarrassing things on stage so this wasn't a big deal. The fans started laughing at this, taking videos of this. You knew it would be on Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook and other sites before the panel started.

"You can say bye later!" Jensen said, walking into the convention center.

"Bye!" You waved and the fans waved back at you. When you were safely inside, Jensen put you down on your feet.

"You're cruel." You said to him even though you were joking.

"Come on, we have a panel to do." Jensen leaned down and kissed you before taking your hand and walking with you to where the panel was being held. You loved the fans and they loved you. You couldn't have asked for a better family than the Supernatural family.

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