My Lifeline, My Soulmate, My Everything

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Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam

Warnings: beautiful fluff

Summary: After a rough hunt, all you need is for Dean to be by your side.


This was a rough hunt, probably one of the worst I've ever had. Demons were nothing new to me, but there were so many of them, I was starting to think I wouldn't make it out of the fight alive. Sam told me we should get backup, but I was too arrogant to let anyone help me on this hunt.

The hunt started off like any other one; we showed up, killed a few demons, and I thought it was the end. I didn't know what they were planning, and if I'm being honest, I didn't care. All I cared about was killing them so that they didn't hurt anyone else. If only I knew how many of them there were. If I'd knew, I would have left before I even let her step foot into the place.

Y/N was my lifeline. If it wasn't for her, I'd be long dead by now. I remember the first time I ever laid my eyes on her. Sam and I decided to go to the nearest hunter's bar because I was itching to be around people I didn't have to hide from. Sam thought it might be a good idea to talk about the recent hunts we'd been on just to get it off his chest.

Y/N was there making good money off the arrogant hunters that thought they could beat her. She kicked some men in pool before moving onto darts. The first time I got a good look at her, my whole world froze. I was never the one to believe in love at first sight, let alone love in general. But when our eyes met, I knew that I had to go talk to her, even if she slapped me and told me to go away.

5 years later, I am still madly in love with her. She was actually the one to ask me out since I was too scared to do it first. We'd been through a lot, me and her, and this last hunt proved to be no different.

Sam, Y/N, and I all went in thinking we could beat the demons, but when more and more came, all I could think about was Y/N. I knew there was no way she'd be possessed because of the tattoo I told her to get after we started getting serious. No, if the demons were overpowering me and Sam together, she wasn't going to make it. It's not that she's a bad hunter, it's just she's impulsive and doesn't think before acting. It's one of the reasons why I fell in love with her in the first place. She makes decisions rashly, not stopping to think about the consequences. So, I knew I had to get to her otherwise she would have been killed.

The only reason we three got out of that fight alive was because Crowley showed up and scared his demons away. He didn't give no explanations as to why she showed up or did the things he did. Then, he just left and that was that. The ride home was filled with silence, tensions thick in the air. It took a toll on all of us, and we bear the scars to prove it.

Cuts and bruises were nothing new for me, but Y/N took the worst of it all. It looked like she came out of a tornado, she looked so battered. I tried to make it better, but she just put a hand up to stop me from doing anything else. I knew she wasn't mad at me, she just needed some space which I gave her.

When we arrived back at the motel, Sam was the first to use the shower, but we didn't mind. He was the fastest out of the three of us. So, when he was done, Y/N jumped at the chance to be second. I left the room to walk around the motel twice, and when I came back she was still in the shower. Dropping my keys onto the table, I shed my jacket and grabbed my pajamas before entering the sweltering room. I closed the door and began shedding my clothes off, watching Y/N through the foggy glass door. She wasn't moving, wasn't doing anything except facing the wall and letting the water beat down on her back.

When I was naked, I opened the door and stepped inside, walking to the love of my life. It was like she knew I was there because as soon as I closed the door, she was in my arms, pushing her head against my chest. There was no need for words as I rubbed my hand up and down her back, trying to soothe her aching muscles.

I rested my chin on her head, and with one sniff I knew she hasn't washed her hair. Grabbing the shampoo, I squirted some into my hand before lathering it up. I began to wash her hair, threading my fingers through the wet strands. She sighed and let me do my thing, not needing to interrupt this moment.

After her hair was soapy, I tilted her head back and rinsed her hair, much like a stylist would do in a salon. Making sure the soap didn't get into her eyes, I rinsed out all the soap until her hair smelled of strawberries and raspberries. Grabbing the conditioner bottle, I lathered the ends of her hair, rinsing it off when I was finished.

Before I had a chance to grab the shower gel, she grabbed my shampoo bottle so she could return the favor. I was about to protest, but one look into her eyes and I knew she wanted–needed–to do this. Giving the same treatment to my hair as I did to hers, she shampooed and conditioned it until it was thoroughly cleaned.

I spent most of my time washing her body, making sure she knew I was right here to take care of her. I didn't leave one inch left untouched, and only until her whole body was covered in suds, I moved her under the water to clean her off. I let her do the same to me, and I watched as she ran the washcloth over my skin, covering every inch of my body with the soapy substance.

After we were both cleaned, I turned off the water and got out, grabbing the towel so I could dry her off. I could tell she didn't want to do any of this on her own, which didn't matter to me. I vowed to protect her in as many ways as I can; this is just one of them. I handed her the clothes she wanted for pajamas and didn't say anything when I noticed those clothes were mine.

We both dressed in silence before I opened the door, letting her go first. Sam was snoring on his bed, already conked out from today's events. Y/N walked to our bed before getting in, not fully settling in because I wasn't there.

When I got under the covers, she immediately wrapped her body around me, nuzzling her head in my neck. Wrapping an arm around her waist, I pulled her in so close that I didn't know where I ended and she started. We spoke through our body language, and I let her know I wasn't going anywhere.

Kissing her head, I ran my fingernails down her back in a relaxing manner, hearing her breaths get shallower and shallower. Only when I knew she was asleep, I was able to try myself. No matter what we go through, every night ended like this, and I would be lying if I said I didn't love it.

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