My Hero

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Pairing: Lifeguard!Sam Winchester x Female!Reader

Warnings: accidental drowning, minor angst

Word Count: 536

A/N: pictures are not mine, but i made the aesthetic.



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"Come on, do it."

"Yeah, don't you want to feel those arms wrapped around you?"

"He's so cute."

You and your friends gossip about the new lifeguard on duty. He only started a few weeks ago, and you've been to the beach ever since. He's nicely tanned, perfectly built, super tall, and very good looking. Sam Winchester is definitely a good piece of eye candy, and he has all the girls fawning over him... including you.

"What if something goes wrong?" you ask, biting your lower lip nervously.

"Then you'll have him to take care of you," your best friend giggles.

You really want to know what it feels like to have those arms around you, to feel those lips against your own, and to know what it feels like to be saved by him. Since you can't go up to him and just ask to feel his muscles and taste his lips, your friends came up with the idea of fake drowning to catch his attention.

"You're going to be fine, Y/N. Just hold your breath and don't come up."

You know you shouldn't do it, but you're the biggest daredevil in your friend group. Before you can talk yourself out of it, you decide you're going to do it.

"Okay, give me three seconds and then call for him."

You sink under the water before you can think more about it. You can hear the muffled cries of your friends three seconds later, and you have to hide your smile. If you can fake this well enough, then you'll get the kiss of a lifetime. However, the water is especially rowdy today, and you're not expecting what happens next.

The water jerks you around roughly, not letting you breach the surface for some air. What started off as a harmless prank is now a deadly game of survival. You can't get to the surface to scream for help, and your friends are none the wiser. As instinct, you open your mouth to breathe, but you only get a lungful of air.

You start to panic when you feel strong arms wrap around your waist. You're pulled from the water with ease, and Sam Winchester carries you to the shore. Your friends think you're faking, but only if they knew what really happened. Sam lays you down on the sand as a crowd starts to form around you.

Sam places two fingers at your pulse point to determine how weak or strong your pulse is. He gives three good chest compressions before leaning down and pressing his lips against yours. You feel an automatic spark between the two of you, like his lips were meant to be on yours. He gives one blow of air into your mouth when you pull away and cough up the water you inhaled.

Your friends realize you might not have been joking this whole time, but thankfully, they didn't comment on it.

"Are you okay?" Sam asks, wiping the water from his eyes.

You squint at him and give him a weak smile.

"You're my hero."

The smile he gives you suggests you two could be more than that, but for right now, he'll settle on being your hero.

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