No, Baby, Daddy Wasn't Hurting Me

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Characters: Dean Winchester x Reader, Grace (their daughter)

Warnings: smut, getting caught, embarrassment, fluff, crack

Summary: You and your husband are having some fun in the sheets when your daughter catches you in the act.


Beads of sweat form on your forehead as your breath come out in shaky bursts. Your body temperature is skyrocketing, and it's all your husband's fault. The way he's kissing your body, playing you like you're a fucking instrument. His fingers pinch and grab at whatever skin is available to him while his hips slam gently into yours, pushing his cock in deeper than he's ever gone before.

"Fuck, Dean!" you hiss quietly.

While you'd like to scream out, there is still a person inside the Bunker. The walls are thin, and if someone is quiet enough, they can hear sounds coming from across the other side of the underground place.

"Shit, sweetheart, you feel so good," Dean groans lowly.

The sheets that cover his lower half are slowing sliding off his body, but you're quick to pull them back up over his hips. He slides out of your pussy so that only his tip is inserted. He waits a few seconds, slowly testing your patience, but you soon learn that it's wearing thin. He feels so good, you'd hate to see it end so soon. You push your hips up to try and entice him further, but it seems he pulls out even further while still being inside you.

"Dean, why do you tease me so?" you whimper.

"Because I can," he grins playfully.

"Well, how about you fuck me now, and then later, we'll see if we can squeeze in a second round," you wink.

"But seeing you so wound up for me is what gets me going. Knowing you're waiting for me... knowing I'm the only one to make you feel this way," he chuckles.

He leans down and nuzzles your neck, pressing a few kisses here and there.

"Dean?" you ask and grab his face so you can look at him.


"Fuck me."

"Yes, ma'am," he drawls.

He uses the element of surprise and slams into you before he finishes speaking, and you throw your head back in pure ecstasy. You're so caught up in the pleasure that you don't recognize anything else that's happening outside of this bed. Your face must be red from how hard you're trying to keep in your moans and screams, your hands grip his biceps tightly, and your chest is heaving as you take large breaths in and out. If Dean wasn't here right now, and you looked like this, they must think you were in pain or something.

Apparently, you're not the only one who thought so.

"Get off her!" your four-year-old daughter yells as she reaches up and tries to push Dean off you. "You're hurting mommy!"

"Grace!" you gasp as your eyes fly open.

Dean jumps at her presence and practically falls next to you on the bed, making sure the sheets are covering his nasty bits. You grab your side and pull them up to your chest so she isn't scarred by your naked chest, although, it's not a top priority on your mind.

"Stop hurting mommy!" Grace tries to be as angry as a four-year-old can be.

"I thought you were asleep, baby," you stutter.

"You were crying, mommy. I had to come check for monsters," she says super seriously.

"There are no monsters here, honey. I'm okay. Why don't you go to your room and I'll be right there, okay?"

"Do you promise?" she asks and puts her fists on her hips.

"Do I promise what?"

"That you're okay."

"Yes, baby, I'm fine. Go to your room."

She thankfully listens this time, and as soon as she closes the door, you just burst in laughter. You have experienced some embarrassing sex moments before, but this is a new one for you. Never have you had your daughter walk in on you and her dad having sex... really good sex, you might add. Sam is out and couldn't watch her, and you know how impatient Dean can get when it comes to this sort of thing. Next time, you'll have to get a hotel room or something.

"She scared the shit out of me," Dean groans and falls back on the bed.

"I can't believe she caught us," you laugh some more.

"It's not funny."

"It's so funny."

"Mommy!" Grace yells from her bedroom.

Like you said, very thin walls.

"Duty calls," you whisper.

You get out of bed naked, and Dean rakes his eyes down the expanse of your body. He's still hard as a rock, and only you are able to make this go away. He winces in discomfort, but he does nothing to help the matter. All he can think about is the way you feel around him, and the noises you were making. It's been a while since you two had gotten some alone time, he was really looking forward to this. You quickly dress in a robe and head to your daughter's room where she's waiting for you.

"Now, what have I told you about getting up when you're supposed to be in bed?" you ask and take a seat at the end of her big girl bed.

"I thought there were monsters, Mommy. I protect you," she says.

"No, baby, I protect you. But, you know this Bunker is monster proof. There is nothing that can enter this house without us knowing."

"Daddy was hurting you. I'll punch him."

She's just so serious that it causes you to laugh.

"Daddy wasn't hurting me. He'd never do that, and you know it. Does this hurt?"

You grab at her sides and tickle her, and she just squeals in laughter. She squirms to get away from you, and you relent on torturing her further.

"No," she giggles.

"Right, it doesn't. Daddy was just showing me how much he loves me. Now, you need to go to bed, okay? I love you so much, my angel," you smile and kiss her head.

"I love you too, Mommy."

You get up from her bed and walk to her door, pausing before you leave her room completely.

"Remember, there are no monsters here. Go to sleep or Daddy will sell all your toys."

She giggles as you close your door, and you quickly make your way back to Dean. The poor man looks like he's going to explode from how hard he still is. As soon as you close the door, you make it a point to show him you are locking the door. Your robe falls to the floor as you rejoin your husband in bed.

"Where were we?" he asks and snuggles close to your side.

"You're insatiable, you know that? You're lucky we had the sheets over us or else we would be having a very different conversation right now," you giggle.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. How can I ever make it up to you?" he whispers and slides right back on top of you.

"I know one or two ways," you smirk and bring him down for a kiss.

It's like she never came into this room to begin with, and you two go back at it much quieter this time. You don't want to know what she'll do if she finds your door is locked and you're making those noises again. Guess you'll have to be extra quiet this time... but with Dean, that's always a hard thing to do.

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