Christmas Cuddles

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Characters: Castiel x Reader, Dean, Sam

Warnings: A little angst about being stressed, fluff at the end

Summary: Christmas is right around the corner and you're very stressed about it. It's the constant hunt after hunt that is getting to you and your boyfriend Castiel, wants to help you so much but all you want to do is relax. So that is what Castiel is going to give you.


No matter who you were, Christmas was the hardest time of the year. For mothers, it would be the constant shopping and getting things ready for their families. For single people, it was either all about dating or crying in their room until the new year. For other people, it was worrying about New Years. For you and the Winchesters, it was hunt after hunt.

You hadn't had a break since at least November, taking on hunt after hunt, killing monsters, getting guck and blood on you, sleeping for few hours at a time, only to do it all over again. You didn't celebrate Christmas because you were always hunting and always on the road when that time came. You weren't stressed about that. You were stressed because you were relaxed.

Your muscles were sore, you had a ton of knots in your shoulders, your mood was down the trash and anyone who looked at you knew that you were tired and taking on so much. That is what being a hunter was like, you never got a break from saving lives. You loved saving lives and killing the monsters out there but sometimes, it became too much to handle.

Your boyfriend, Castiel, he knew how much all this was doing to you. He could see your soul just becoming dimmer with each hunt you took. He wanted to help and sometimes, he would make the aches in your muscles go away but he could not make the tiredness and the stress go away.

You and the brothers, along with Cas, had just gotten back from a hunt and you trudged down the Bunker's staircase, shoulders slumped. If you looked behind you, you knew that Sam and Dean looked the same way. When you got to the bottom of the stairs, Castiel went to help you but you held up your hand which stopped him.

"I'm sorry, Cas, but I'm not in the mood for anyone. I'm just going to take a shower and then go to bed. I'm sorry," You said, looking at him before walking away from the men. You grabbed a towel from one of the cabinets and walked to the communal bathroom. You weren't worried about Sam or Dean coming in here because they had their shower back at the motel you were staying at.

You just wanted to get home where you could sleep and do this all over again. You took a really hot, really long shower that helped your muscles a bit. You got out of the shower and dried your hair, wrapping the towel around your body before trudging down the quiet hallway to your bedroom where Castiel stayed in. You knew he didn't sleep but you liked that he held you some nights, to let you know that he was there and he wasn't going to let anything happen to you.

You opened the door to your room and your eyes widened at what was waiting for you. Castiel was undressed to only one layer of his suit, hands fiddling as he stood next to your bed. Your pajamas were folded neatly on your bed, a heart carved out of wood lay on top of that with a steaming cup of hot chocolate on top of the heart. Behind it, you say your favorite dessert on a food tray along with some flowers.

"Cas, what is all this?" You asked, closing your door to your room.

"I know how stressed you are and I know you have a case coming up. So, Dean called another hunter and they will handle it. So, you have a few days off to yourself to unwind and take care of yourself. I got these things because I know they will make you feel better. We can watch Netflix or whatever you want. I just thought it might help." Castiel said, looking a little nervous. He didn't want to make you any more upset.

You got tears at the kind gesture and you walked over to Cas, threw your arms around his neck and hugged him. He hugged you back and you sagged against him in relief.

"Thank you so much," You whispered.

"Here, let me," Cas said and he touched your forehead and when you looked down, you saw the pajamas on your body and your wet towel hanging off the back of your chair by your desk. He picked up the hot chocolate and handed it to you. You grinned and took a sip, the warmth felt so nice.

He cleared off the bed and got in, you got in beside him. You cuddled into him as he played a movie he knew you liked.

"Thank you, Castiel," You whispered, looking at him.

"Anything for you," He whispered back. You leaned up and kissed him, taking your time to show him how much you loved him. You knew you could always count on Castiel to make you feel better.

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