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Characters: Dean Winchester x Reader, Sam Winchester

Warnings: soft smut, cockwarming, fluff, mention of children on cases

Request: Can you write a DeanxReader where a hunt went wrong and the reader needs to get out so Dean drags her into Baby and they drive around. They are no couple yet just best friends. Somewhen they stop it's dawn and they lay on the hood of the car while they watch the sunset and gaze stars. They end up holding hands, cuddling, kissing. If you want smut in baby.

Summary: Dean is your best friend, and you've always wanted to be more. If it happens, then it happens, and if it's going to happen, then it's going to happen now.


Hunts don't always go as planned. Sometimes they allow room for ideas and improvising thinking that can either got o shit or it can save your life. Sometimes the monsters aren't always what they seem, and you have to change your way of thinking and planning in order to get the monster. Sometimes, a hunt can take a turn for the worst, and you're left with a dead child, a dead monster, and a lot of blood that's been spilled.

It's no one's fault. You can't ever predict this kind of behavior. Monsters act on their own accord, and you're never really sure what you're dealing with until you do. The child that died wasn't anyone's fault–it was a complete accident, but that doesn't stop your brain from thinking back to your past, the decisions you've made, and the worry you now carry on your shoulders.

No one is safe, not even children anymore.

The entire ride home was spent in complete and utter pain of the choices you've made, worrying about where they are now and what they're doing. Wondering if a monster is ever going to attack or grab at your choices. You know for a fact they aren't in this life because you made sure they were far from it.

It's weird how all you want is to hold him close as if being right by your side is safer than being on the other side of the world from you.

Dean can see just how much this hunt is taking a toll on you, but he doesn't know how to ask you about it. The bags under your eyes are heavy, your shoulders sag from all the weight and stress you've been carrying, and your body is just tired. As soon as you trudge through the door, he says something.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. It's just that life is pointless and nothing matters and I'm always tired,"you shrug.

"Okay, come with me."


"Just for a drive. Give me twenty minutes of your time."

"Okay," you whisper.

Sam takes yours and Dean's bags since he knows something is up too. He wants to be of help in any way, but he knows Dean is going to help more. You're much closer to the oldest brother than to the youngest. You're the oldest sibling as well, you had to parent your younger siblings before, and you had to take on much more responsibilities than the others just to make sure they were having the time of their lives.

You know a thing or two about what Dean has been through, so he's the brother you leaned on the most whenever you needed someone. You two are just friends, but the possibility of being something more has always been in the back of your mind. You've never done anything about it because you don't want to ruin what you two have.

Plus, your friendship is more than amazing–he's everything you could ever need in a best friend.

If you two happen, then you two happen. You're very much happy with either of those choices. As long as he's in your life, there can be no wrong. You're just not going to actively search for something that doesn't want to be found. You haven't found it in ten years, and you're not sure if you'll ever find it in him.

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