Always Getting Into Trouble

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Characters: Castiel x Reader, Dean, Sam

Warnings: none

Summary: After getting into trouble with some demons, Sam and Dean need to protect you while you hang in Bobby's panic room. However, you didn't call for a babysitter, even if you like him.


"Is this really necessary?" you complained, sighing when Sam helped you into Bobby's panic room.

"Yes," Dean answered for his brother, "this is your punishment while we go clean up your mess."

You would have argued with him, but he was right. There was a reason why Sam and Dean were subjecting you to the monster proof room. A terrible mistake put you on the demon's radar, and a bunch of them were after you because of what you did.

Deals were made, demons were killed, and now you were a wanted woman. Coming to Sam and Dean was the best option since a lot of demons were scared of them. Only until they said you were in the clear, you had to spend the rest of your time in the panic room all alone, with no one to talk to.

"Thanks for doing this for me," you sighed, laying on the cot. Minimal movement was critical in the success of your healing. Because of what you did, you got hurt on your side.

"Don't thank us yet. To make sure you stay there, Cas is going to watch you," Dean declared.

"Wait, it's bad enough I'm under panic room arrest, but I have to have a babysitter?" you scoffed.

"Yes," Dean snapped. Shutting your mouth, you rolled your eyes and crossed your arms. Hearing the flap of wings, you saw Castiel appear behind Dean. When Dean turned around, the small jump he made put a tiny smile on your face.

"You called for me," Castiel's raspy voice was probably the best thing you've heard all day.

"I didn't call for you."

"You were talking about me. I heard. I came."

"You're on babysitting duty. Watch her while we clean up her mess," Dean instructed as he pointed to you.

"What did you do?" Castiel asked and walked to you.

"I dabbled with some demons and they're after me. They can't get in here which is why I'm prisoner here for the time being."

"You know what you did," Dean pointed an accusatory finger at you. "Come on, Sam," Dean grabbed his duffel bag and walked up the stairs, his younger brother hot on his heels.

"What kind of deals did you make?" Castiel asked, grabbed a chair, took a seat, and leaned against the bookshelf behind him.

"I didn't make any myself, I'm not that stupid. I just pretended to make deals and right when it was about to be sealed, I killed them. I don't want people making deals and if there are no more crossroad demons left, no one can make deals," you sighed, wincing when your wound started throbbing in pain.

"That was a terrible idea, Y/N."

"Thank you, Captain Obvious," you rolled your eyes.

"I'm not a Captain. I'm an Angel," Castiel said seriously, and you couldn't help but smile at this.

"I know, it was just a saying. That's the usual response when people say things that are dead obvious."

"Oh," Castiel nodded, scrunching his face up in thought.

"I know what I did was terrible, but I can't help it. Once I saved someone from making a deal, I couldn't stop there," you told the Angel, wincing when you shifted on the cot.

"What is the matter? Are you hurt?" Castiel asked, standing up to go help you, but stopped right outside the door. He wasn't allowed in.

"No big deal," you bit back, lifting up your shirt to show Castiel the gnarly wound on your side. "I'm not dead, so that's good news."

"I don't understand your definition of good news," Castiel tilted his head, upset that he couldn't come inside to help you. "You got yourself into this mess, got hurt, and now you're saying it's good to be alive? You shouldn't have to say that if you didn't go messing with other people's business."

"Okay, if you're just going to criticize me like that, close the door because I don't need this," you glared at him. You know what you did was wrong, and you didn't need a reminder every 5 minutes.

"My apologies," Castiel sighed and sat back down.

"I'm not worried. If those demons see Sam and Dean, they'll run the other way."

"You're very odd," Castiel observed.

"Thank you," you chuckled. "So, what's your favorite thing about humanity?" if you were going to stay stuck in here, might as well pass the time getting to know each other. Sam and Dean can take as long as they want because you could get used to a man like Castiel.

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