Messengers of Death

913 10 0

Pairing: No Pairing

Word Count: 591

Warnings: angst, major character death, spoilers for supernatural season 15 finale

Summary: you're a reaper in training, and you've just been called to the biggest job a reaper will ever get: to reap a Winchester soul.


You've heard of the Winchesters before you even got to meet them. Your mentor told you all about how they die all the time, get resurrected, and how the rules don't apply to them. You wondered how two humans could make the messes they've made without consequence, but it's like everyone else turns their head so they can say they didn't know. You're only in training right now, but even you can see how fucked up that is.

You're a reaper in training, and the reason why you're so baffled by the Winchesters is because you have a very strict code that reapers go by. Anyone who breaks it is either stuck on Earth forever or they die. Your mentor, Death, has taken a liking to you because of how well you've been doing under your other mentor.

It's the highest compliment when Death himself decides to take you under his wing. You two have been traveling the world helping those that need to pass on when you got the word that one of the famous Winchesters has died.

Death was dead since Dean had killed him about six years ago, and the new Death, Billie, had told Sam and Dean that this would be their last chance. If they died, then it would be final. When Billie got sucked into the Empty, Death got resurrected from that place. He's been in charge ever since.

When someone new dies, you're summoned to the place to help them pass, so when Dean was on the verge of death, you were transported into the barn he was in. He had been impaled by a stake protruding from a wooden post while his brother cries right in front of him.

The sight brings you to tears, but you can only watch until Dean is dead.

"I'm going to be okay, Sammy. You're going to be okay."

"Please don't leave me, Dean," Sam cries.

"You're the best little brother anyone could ever ask for. I am so proud of you, but it's my time to go."

"Do we have to reap him?" you ask and look at Death.

"We've let this go on for far too long. It must happen," he says.

Dean takes a few ragged breaths as his brother holds him. He could rip Dean off the metal spike, but then he would bleed out quickly. This way, they could have a few extra moments with each other. Sam holds his brother close, but Dean's head rolls to the side.

Dean has taken his last breath.

"I'm not coming back, am I?" Dean asks.

You turn to see Dean's spirit standing across the room.

"No, you're not. Let us help you pass through," you say and offer your hand.

"Where am I going?"

"I don't know the answer to that, but I do know that I'll help you get there quickly and painlessly."

Dean takes one more look at his brother before grabbing your hand. Just like that, he disappears as he descends to the place he was always meant to be: Heaven. Now all you have to do is wait for Sam, and you can reunite the two brothers again.

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