Secrets and Psychic Sirens

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Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam, Siren, Suzy the porn star (mentioned)

Warnings: little bit of angst, little bit of fluff, mentions of cheating but it really wasn't (just read), implied smut at the end

Summary: You and Dean have been keeping secrets from one another for years. When a siren brings those secrets out and everything is laid out on the table, will the night turn good or bad?


"We're hunting a siren? Aren't they rare?" You asked while packing your bag for the hunt.

"Yeah they are but not extinct." Dean replied as he finished packing his bag.

"Great that makes this hunt easier. What can kill them?" You asked and Dean took out he Colt he had in his jacket pocket. "Yeah that'll do it."

"I'll meet you by the car." Dean said, kissing you quickly before leaving the room. You sighed after he left and looked down at your bag. You and Dean have been together for quite some time now and it wasn't an easy relationship. You've made some mistakes down the line as you're sure Dean has. You remember the promise you made to one another when either one of you got mad. Never walk out, stay and talk it out. It did help your relationship drastically but you were keeping things from him that you want to tell him but you know he would get mad if he ever found out.

It was back when he went to Purgatory and it was just you and Sam out in the world. You were vulnerable and Sam was heartbroken that his brother and Castiel left and one thing led to another and you made out with him. You never let it get farther than that but it happened and both of you decided not to tell Dean. After he got back, that little secret got pushed to the back of your mind but it has always been there, nagging at you to tell him.

You sighed and heaved your bag over your shoulder before meeting the brothers at the car. You placed your bag in the trunk before closing it. You walked to the back seat but frowned when you saw Sam stretched out back there.

"You're getting upgraded to the front seat." He said with a smile.

"I'll take it." You smiled and got in the front seat. Dean started the car and backed out of the garage, taking off down the road. You snuck a glance at Dean and saw him already looking at you. You blushed and looked away before he could. He smiled and looked at the road but lost it as soon as you were out of his sight.

He loved you so much and he would never think of hurting you in a million years but he had something he had been hiding from you since he met her. Even after all these years, he could still remember the way she felt against him, the feel of her lips against his skin and it made him cringe every time because she wasn't you.

He didn't cheat on you, he would never think of doing that. You two had gotten into a huge fight before the "talk it out" rule was established. He walked out after you suggested taking a break from the two of you. Things have been tense before and one thing led to another which is why you had the fight in the first place. He left, thinking you two were broken up and he met up with her and had a good time for once. He ended up spending the night at her place.

In the morning, he felt super guilty it happened because when he woke up, he found text messages from you asking him to come home, that you didn't mean what you said. He never told you he had sex with another woman when he thought you two had broken up because he knew you would get pissed at him and it would cause another fight.

That is why he was nervous for this siren case. He has dealt with a siren before with Sam and these creatures can read minds and get into them. He didn't want to know what the siren would find in his mind. Or what it would say when they found out what was inside.

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