Game On

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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader

Warnings: just fluff!

Summary: You and Dean are roommates, and you have to settle a bet with a friendly game of laser tag.


"Are you sure you want to do this, Winchester?" you ask, strapping on your vest.

"I've never been so sure of anything in my entire life, sweetheart."

"Okay, just remember that you asked for this when you lose."

"I'm not losing, you are."

You make sure the strap is tight against your body, and you grab the guns attached to the vest for the game you're about to play. Dean thought it was a good idea to challenge you to a bet to see if he could beat you in laser tag. The loser has to do all the household chores for the next two weeks, and you're dead set on winning this bet. You absolutely hate laundry, and it would be nice not to have to do it for once.

"This round lasts fifteen minutes, and your time starts now."

The attendant opens the curtains, and you and Dean fan out. It's only you two here, so you have no trouble running into someone that isn't supposed to be part of the game. Dean decides to stay on the first floor, but you decide to go high because you have a better advantage when you know exactly what's below you.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are," Dean sings.

He made a mistake the minute he decided to open his mouth. You peek around the landing and see the top of his head bobbing lightly as he walks around corners carefully. You run and slide behind a post closer to Dean so you can see him properly. You aim your gun at him and shoot the target on his back, smirking when he jumps in freight.

He quickly turns around, but you hide before he has a chance to see you.

"You're going to get it now."

Dean looks up and sees a leg pop out from behind a cover post, and he smirks when he finally spots you. He runs over to the stairs and takes them two at a time, slowing down when he gets to the top.

"I know you're up here," he says loudly before lowering his voice so that only he can hear himself. "I will not be stuck doing chores for the next two weeks."

You duck and cover behind a small and thin post, scared that Dean can actually see you because of your poor hiding choice. You look behind you and see that Dean has backed himself into a corner. He knows you can't get him if he has a wall behind him, but you know this is the worst thing he can do for himself.

You take the back way to get to him so that he doesn't see you, and when he finally does, it's too late. You jump in front of him, backing him further into the corner.

"You got nowhere to go Winchester," you grin.

"We'll see about that."

He raises his gun to shoot you, but you smack it out of his hand and point yours at him instead. He's shocked you're taking this so seriously, but it's kind of hot, he must admit. You take three steps closer to him so that your toes are touching his.

"You know, it's really hard to be intimidated when you're shorter than me," he chuckles.

"I may be shorter, but I'm smarter. I got you once, and you have yet to get me."

You point your gun at his chest and pull the trigger, grinning when he drops his jaw slightly. You two hold eye contact for three seconds before he lunges at you. You squeal and jump away from him, taking off running to anywhere he isn't. Dean grins and grabs his gun, sprinting after you.

He doesn't care if he does the dishes so long as you keep that smile on your face and laugh until your sides end up hurting.

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