Best Part About Being Human

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Characters: Castiel x Angel!Reader

Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, fluff, skinny dipping, brief oral fem recieving

Request by anon: Can you write a fluffy Cas x Reader where she is his best friend and they are both in love with each other. He is the careful and overthinking angel she is the girl who just wants to live in the moment. One night they go skinny dipping.

Summary: You've lived with humans for centuries, and you can't ever think about going back to Heaven. When Castiel shows up, you have to show him how good it feels to be human.


Heaven has always been a "one-track mind" and a "black and white" kind of way. There is a set of rules every angel is supposed to follow, and if you don't, then you're cast out. Most habitable planets have and follow the same kind of rules, and they become so boring to live by. It's fine for the first couple millennium, but then it gets kind of boring and predictable.

God entrusted his angels to serve Heaven and to follow those strict rules. Heaven always comes first, and it didn't matter if you had other priorities in your life. You went where the archangels sent you, you did what they asked of you, and you did it without complain.

There has to be something more out there, something that challenged its people and didn't tell them what to do and where to go. There had to be someplace in the entire universe that held creative imagination to a high standard. For a while, you never found it. You searched high and low for it, but you always came up empty. It made you question whether or not such a  thing existed until you found Earth.

Such a small planet in some tiny solar system lying in a galaxy that is barely out of its diapers. Such a tiny and insignificant planet, and they defy all the rules. Upon first discovering them, your heart soared at the thought of being able to creatively express yourself–to be who you are instead of being who someone else tells you to be. Heaven is exactly that–you don't get to be who you are. They program you into being perfect soldiers, but that's not who you want to be.

You want to be able to talk with your peers without the fear of being judged by them, you want to be able to do something without your four older brothers reigning hell down on you for disobeying your father, and you want to be able to find love and joy and humor and sadness and grief–something you can't ever find in Heaven. Everyone's Heavens are perfect little sanctuaries that protect them from the horrors of their own lives. You won't find what you're looking for in there–and you've gotten in trouble for popping into people's Heavens before.

Humans have a silly way of doing things, but what makes them so unique is that they are imperfect. Everyone in Heaven is perfect–no scars to tell people where they've been and what they've been doing. Humans are flawed to the T, but that's what makes them so special to be around. They cherish life because it ends. They find value in happiness because of sadness and fear. They crave thrills and adventure because their bodies are built to withstand so much, yet, they don't know that. Human souls are so valuable and pure, it's amazing what each person does with them.

Humans have come a long way since they were first created, but they still have such a long way to go. They won't ever be perfect, but that's why you love them so much. It's also the main reason why you left Heaven to hide on Earth to be with the humans. You pretended for centuries to be like one of them–talk, act, love–just so you can feel like you belong to something.

There are bad ones that filter through every once in a while, but you'd rather be here than on Heaven a million times over. There is just something so powerful and heartwarming about being surrounded by imperfect beings. It really makes you question what God has been doing, and what kind of plan he has for the angels. Even now you can see angels are heavily flawed because the system is flawed.

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