Lupus Exponentia

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Characters: Sam x Daughter!Werewolf!Reader, Uncle!Dean, Castiel, Ketch and his men

Warnings: werewolf shifting, angst, a smidge of fluff

Summary: You're a special kind of werewolf which puts you on the radar of the BMoL so when you're left alone at the Bunker on a full moon, things go awry.


"Please don't leave me here alone." You begged your father and your uncle. They were leaving to go on a hunt but because of what you were and what tonight was, you couldn't go.

"Sorry, kid, you know we have to," Dean said, heaving his bag in the trunk.

"You'll be fine, okay? We'll only be gone for about a week. You know where to go when you shift. You know we would bring you along but tonight is the full moon and, well, you'll just be in the way." Your dad said, kissing the top of your head.

"Can't you send Cas to stay with me?" You pouted. You hated staying home alone on a full moon.

"Sorry, he's coming with us. We need him right now. We're investigating a whole town of demons. We need all the man-power we can get." Dean answered for your dad.

"Just promise you'll call every night, okay?" You asked and your dad nodded, bringing you in for a hug.

"I promise. As long as you don't break anything okay?"

"That was one time!" You groaned. He would never let that go. Last time you shifted, you broke half the furniture in the Bunker.

"And remember to stay off the couch. We put down newspapers for you." Dean smirked. Despite being what you were, he always loved to tease you.

"Screw you too." You rolled your eyes.

"Be good. We'll be back soon." With a final kiss to your temple, both men got into the car.

"I love you both." You smiled.

"We love you too." Your dad winked at you before Dean backed out of the garage and took off in the night. You bit your lip and sighed as you walked back into the Bunker. Tonight wasn't like most nights. Tonight was the full moon which means you would be transforming into a wolf for a few hours. You were a full werewolf, which is something you got from your mother.

Before you were even born, your father fell in love with a woman, not knowing she was a werewolf. He dated her for a while until he spent the night over at her house on a full moon and knew what she became.

Because of his nature, everything in his body was telling him to kill her but there was something about the way she was so tame that kept him from doing so. There were two kinds of werewolves in the country. The first kind is what your dad and Dean hunted. They turned into humans with claws and fangs and killed people for their hearts. Those kinds of werewolves weren't good kinds.

Then there were kinds like you, your mother, and a handful of others. Every full moon instead of sprouting fangs and claws, you turned into a full-on wolf. You didn't go out and kill people, you just loved raw meat which is why Sam and Dean stocked the fridge with a lot of raw meat for you to chew on.

You only turned into a wolf for a few hours, as the moon passed its peak in the sky and then you were free for another month. This was natures way of giving you a period because you never had one and you'll never get one. Turning on a full moon is equivalent to a human girl's period cycle. Sometimes, you'd rather get the period instead of enduring so much pain while forming. It hurt like a bitch when you formed because all your bones broke. Your whole skeleton shifted into that of a wolf and to shift back was painful as well.

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