Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover

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Characters: Dean Winchester x Wizard!Reader, Charlie Bradbury, Sam Winchester

Warnings: just all the fluff

Summary: A spell goes wrong leaving you and Charlie to switch bodies. However, Dean doesn't know this.


"How is it going in here?" Sam asked when he popped his head in. Both yours and Charlie's head popped up from the books you were studying off of.

"Good, we're all good in here," you answered just a little too quickly.

"You sure?" Sam asked with a small smile.

"Go away, Sam," you said as you narrowed your eyes slightly. All he did was chuckle and did as he was told.

"You know, if we're in here for too long, they are going to suspect you're not studying," Charlie said, putting the book down once Sam was gone. Groaning, you put down your book, trying to think of a logical reason you didn't want to study your magic. Being a wizard-in-training was difficult, especially when there were so many spells to learn.

"There are so many spells, I can't keep track of which does what. All this reading is making my eyes hurt," you whined.

"I told you I'd help you with your wizard studies when you called. Instead of reading the spells from the book, why don't you practice them? It'll give you a visionary approach to them that will not only help you remember the different spells, but you can use those visuals when your wizard test comes," Charlie suggested.

"That's not bad. I can do that," you nodded with a smile.

"Great, before we start, I did find this in your room and thought we might need it," she says before pulling out the jar filled with undo dust. It had the power to undo any kind of spell if you didn't already know how to reverse it. It was helpful when learning new spells, especially when you didn't have a mentor to guide you.

Ever since you were born, you had the ability to do magic not like others. When your parents found out that you could levitate in mid-air, they started questioning where you actually came from and who your real parents might have been. They adopted you when you were just a baby and didn't know much about your real parentage.

The first spell you ever did was by accident. You were browsing through the internet and came across a website that claimed to have real wizard spells. Since you knew you weren't like other girls, you decided to give them a try, and only when you turned your little brother into a guinea pig, you knew there was a whole world out there that you didn't know about.

Through studying and researching, you figured out there were others like you, but not in the way you thought. There were monsters and demons, angels and witches, and hunters who killed those creatures. That made you afraid of every single person you came into contact with from there on out.

After your parents died, you traveled the country, never staying in one place for too long. The spells you cast while practicing left you running for your life. Hunters were always on your ass, determined to kill something that was evil.

After a while, you thought you'd outrun them all until you met Sam and Dean. They weren't hunting you, just on another case, and they happened to run into you one day at the worst time possible. Your backyard was in shambles, and objects had been turned into unnatural things because of the many spells you used on them.

You'd thought Sam and Dean would kill you, but instead, they took you in. It was Sam's idea, as he thought he could help you with your problem, much to Dean's displeasure. From there, you met with Rowena, who was a different type of witch than you. She dabbled in stuff you've never heard of and because of that, she couldn't help you.

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