Indefinitely Cursed

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Characters: Sam x Reader, Dean, minor characters

Warnings: angst and fluff, nothing major

Summary: Because of an experiment that went wrong, leaving you clutching for your life, you can see dead people. You can't interact with them, they just stand there and stare at you. You don't know how to make them go away until you meet Sam and Dean Winchester.

Author's Note: This is unbeta'd and any and all mistakes are all on me.


Not a lot of people wanted to be friends with you, not after the accident you had. At the beginning of your career, you were the lab assistant of a world-renowned scientist who specialized in experimental treatments of biochemical imbalances in the brain. He was all kinds of crazy, but you figured if you helped him with whatever crazy experiments he came up with, he would write you a good recommendation letter.

You didn't have any say in where you were assigned; your college sent you to him because no one else wanted to go near the experiments he was doing. At first, he was a nice person, treating you as a colleague instead of an assistant... until he had his "breakthrough". That day, he was going crazy, mumbling to himself about making sure everything was perfect. He tried explaining to you what he was doing, but it went in through one ear and out the other, the terminology too advanced for even your comprehension.

Towards the end, something went wrong which caused the whole lab to explode. The scientist was killed instantly, and you were rushed to the hospital, teetering on the brink of death. Not knowing who pulled you to safety, you woke up in a long-term care hospital room a few weeks later. A bunch of strange looking people was in your room, and you didn't know why they were there or what they wanted... they seemed to just stand around and do nothing. It terrified you, but none of the doctors or nurses seemed to be reacting to the small crowd that lingered by your bed.

These people just stared at you, not saying a word, and after a few days, you realized these were the spirits of dead people. Your life was now officially a Bruce Willis movie. It took you longer than you'd care to admit to putting the puzzle pieces together, but something didn't add up. One woman had a bullet hole in the side of her face, a man had rope marks around his neck, and those were only the good-looking ones. Some of the spirits you saw looked absolutely horrifying, and those were the ones that always seemed to linger the longest.

After getting out of the hospital, the people wouldn't leave you alone. For days, these spirits would follow you around, and no matter how much you tried talking to them, they wouldn't respond. You didn't know who to turn to since no one would believe dead people were following you around. The more that time passed on, the more people showed up. Soon, you weren't able to go outside without yelling in agony, begging for them to leave you alone.

The only time you would go outside is for food and even then, those trips were scarce. The friends you had before stayed away, your family stopped talking to you, and soon, you would become so alone with only the spirits to talk to. You've seen Ghost Town before and thought that if you finished the spirit's business, then they would go away.

It was only when you were truly alone, they started talking to you. None of the things they said made any sense to you, and no matter how hard you tried to drown them out, they got louder and louder. You've tried putting music on full blast, distracting yourself with the TV, but nothing seemed to work. It was always about them and you didn't know how to get them to leave or to shut up.

There was no one who could help you.


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