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Missy had helped you out with getting back into your clothes after putting on the healing cream over your bruises. You could see she was angry and frustrated when she saw them, muttering something under her breath before kissing your skin gently and telling you nothing like this would ever happen again. You just hummed in response, a mix of emotions running through you.

To be honest, your mind was just going wild with thought about what would happen if you did have to tell your siblings about everything. You had been keeping this a secret from them too...if they didn't even want to think about what they would do. Hopefully they wouldn't be angry with you, but they would definitely be angry with Jason. Though you had no idea how they would react when they found out Missy and the doctor killed him...

They probably wanted to do it themselves, but when seeing Missy was the person you were with now, they may have a bad reaction, knowing her more...violent nature now. They might even try to ground you! You couldn't have that happen, the last thing you wanted to do was stay on earth. You needed to get away, especially after what happened, all across the universe to try and forget and distract yourself. Maybe to even heal emotionally. Plus you know the doctor was the only real person that could help you with your problem with making contact.

"I'm scared..." you whispered quietly, feeling a limp grow in your throat as you tried to take deep breaths.

"There's nothing to be afraid of. Relax and breathe. No one can hurt you now" Missy told you, standing up after helping you into your clothes, moving in front of you and wrapping her arms around your body.

You couldn't help but lean into her touch, resting your head on her chest comfortingly. She was such a blessing, to be able to be held like this, to feel such warmth and love, to be able to have a simple thing such as a was everything to you. She herself probably had no idea how much you cared and held onto moments like this, grateful to be able to get close to someone without that terrible feeling of pain and fear inside your chest. You took in a deep breath, getting a hint of vanilla in the air.

"I can't tell my family about this..." you whispered "what if they think bad of me a..and what if they start asking me so many questions which I can't answer?! I mean, they've even met Jason before..."

"Shh" she gently squeezed you, rubbing her hands on your back while trying to calm you "it's okay, we'll do the talking if you want us to. But we have to tell them..." she pulled away at that, placing her hands on your cheeks "we can't just lie to your family. These are your closest people in your life, people who stick by you, your own blood that's still left in the world. We don't lie to those people" she told you, staring into your eyes deeply while you sighed, trying to get more air into your lungs through your seemingly closing throat.

"Are you angry that I lied to guys are the closest people to me too..." you whispered nervously, a frown tugging at your lips while they wobbled slightly.

"No. I'm not angry with you, I understand you were scared. He was..keeping you from saying anything. It was a toxic relationship...he even hurt you. But he's gone now, and you need to find that courage to confront your past and speak about it. If you can't speak let us. But your siblings need to know about what was going on. They'll notice Jason is missing soon afterwards anyways" she told you in a serious yet soft tone, making you sigh and nod your head.

"Okay..." you whispered softly "okay..." you licked your lips nervously.

She smiled a little at that, moving her hand down to take your hand into hers, interlacing your fingers as you both made your way out of the room and down towards the console room. You felt nervousness and worry run through you like there was no tomorrow. You didn't even think your heart could race this fast...maybe you were having a heart attack? Or an entirely attack? No, you weren't quite at that stage yet. You were trying desperately to breathe properly and take deep breaths.

You entered the console room where everyone was basically already standing there, just waiting for you both. The doctor came over to you, who was also all cleaned up and didn't look like she was just in the same room where murder just took place, and sighed a little.

"Everything's been taken care of. Used a bit of alien technology here and there, but we've gotten rid of everything. You could go back to your flat and it'll look brand new. I'm not sure if Missy told you but we're going to your siblings houses right now. I told them to both get to one house so we didn't have to go through this twice" the doctor told you, making you nod your head a little.

"Yeah Missy told me" you replied with a frown "why does this have to happen to me?" You asked quietly.

"Because..." the doctor clenched her jaw a little "the universe can be a real bitch sometimes" she told you, making you raise your brows in surprise, a small smile creeping up on your face.

"Since when did you swear?" You asked in amusement, raising a brow at her.

"Since I started to become I need some sleep. But most importantly, since I cared about my best friends" she told you, making you take in a deep breath and nod your head with a hum.

"Let's get going then I guess?" You shrugged, preparing yourself for what was to come.

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now