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You stood up with Missy's help. The pain in your head seemed to almost disappear at the remembrance of her gentle kiss there. You couldn't help but smile stupidly with a big blush on your cheeks. You really liked being alone with her like this. Properly alone. If it wasn't for this whole Elvis business being kidnapped or if he hadn't even knocked on the door...the things you could have been doing right now.

Okay it was probably best not to think about that on second thoughts. You started to blush really deeply, looking like a red tomato for what seemed like no reason to anyone else. You just couldn't help how mice she looked in that suit.

"Let's see where we are then" she smiled back at you, before opening the doors.

You stepped out slowly, the pair of you being quiet as if something would jump out at you. It didn't look very impressive. To be honest it looked a lot like an average spaceship you would come across. You had been on a lot of space ships. And you were certain this was one.

Missy got down on all fours, placing her palms on the ground. You couched down beside her, smiling slightly. You remember the first time she had ever done anything like this with you. She tried to show you how to tell the vibrations of a ship. And then resumed to talk about fake gravity and how it was sexy? The only thing was that you couldn't feel anything being a boring old human, and the ship wasn't even moving.

"Okay so we're travelling at a very slow rate. It's like we're hardly moving right now. We might as well be stuck in the middle of space just floating about. That's a poor excuse for propulsion. So, the engines aren't working very well" Missy spoke before getting up on her feet.

"Why aren't they working great?" You asked.

"Well let's find out. We also need to find where Elvis is being hid in this large ship. So come on (y/n). Let's get to it" she smiled brightly before sauntering down the corridor.

You quickly sped up trying to keep up with her. You looked around, sighing in disappointment at the fact that there was no windows on this ship. You had forgotten how much you enjoyed just watching space go by. It was a scene you never thought you would see and you enjoyed it every time.

"So, what kind of a ship do you think this is?" You asked Missy.

"I'm not sure. This is quite average ship material. I can tell you the manufacturers but seeing as these ships are delivered all over the universe to several different planets and species there wouldn't be any point in that" Missy told you.

You hummed "I guess not. How come you know so much about the universe? It's like you and the doctor literally don't not know anything" you asked in amazement, a smile on your face.

Missy just shrugged "Well I've been travelling for over two thousand years. I'm bound to pick up a few things here and there" she chuckled "but then again the ways me and the doctor went about it was all a little different. I never really stopped to just admire how beautiful the universe was" She sighed "I really do regret a few things"

You looked sadly at her before placing your hand on her arm "hey, it's okay. Just look at who you are today. You're pretty awesome if you ask me" you smiled.

She smiled back at you "thank you."

You smiled, continuing to look around the ship before your phone started to ring. You quickly picked up your phone, smiling at the voice at the other end. It was Ryan.

"Hey, are you coming back? Cuz Yaz is pretty dum Ute she's got her dress sorted out by now and she keeps on asking me why I've got a suit on. I don't know what to say" he asked.

You smiled slightly "don't worry just say you fancied being dressed nice today. Oh and try and make her try on more dresses from like...I don't know the children's section"

"Children's section?!" Ryan exclaimed in disbelief "are you kidding?"

"Not if it buys us time. Listen there are loads of dresses there I saw them alright. Just talk to her about random stuff and make her try more shit" you told him.

"There's only so much I can say (y/n). Listen how long will you be?" He asked.

You looked at Missy in questioning. She shrugged her shoulders and you sighed before answering.

"I don't know. We kind of...ran into problems.." you said.

"What kind of problems?" He asked in a serious tone.

"Nothing for you to worry about. We just need you to keep them busy. We'll be there soon don't worry." You told him.

"Seriously what's going on?" He asked "do you need help?"

"Nah we're good" you grinned slightly "but if I tell you promise not to tell the doctor"

"Fine. Oh wait...did you and Missy get at it? Is that why you need more time?! Listen I don't really need to know on second thoughts about the details..." Ryan exclaimed.

You rolled your eyes, groaning in annoyance, your cheeks flushing red. At this point it was just getting annoying how many times people had said that you were going out with Missy and basically sleeping with her. You hadn't done anything like that with her!

"No Ryan!" You scolded "its to do with Elvis. But you know what it doesn't matter. Just keep them busy we'll be back soon"

You hung up the phone before he had the chance to say anything else. Missy just chuckled lightly, shaking her head.

"Ignore him. That's what I do. They don't know anything. It's not him who met Elvis is it" she grinned proudly.

You giggled slightly at that "I guess not"

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now