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You frowned slightly when Missy let go of your hand, feeling slightly cold there without her touch.

She smiled, flicking the controls and switches, pulling a few leavers which had the TARDIS jolting to life again. Though this time it definitely felt a lot more or a tame ride than last time, making you wonder if she did that on purpose. You didn't really need to hold onto anything this time.

"You know, last time you stole my ship you ended up getting completely drunk off your heads in some beach, so you better have a good explanation this time round" you heard the doctor say, turning to see her and Yaz both standing there.

Yaz giggled at that, smiling "you guys were wasted. How much did you even drink that day. Cuz you sure as hell threw up a lot" she sniggered.

"Loads" you mumbled with a grin "and I don't regret a single moment. Maybe drinking a tiny bit less so I could remember more about that night. From what I do recall though it was amazing. The beach, drinks. Just you and me Missy" you smiled, looking at her happily and she smiled back, though a red blush came up to her cheeks which had you furrowing your brows slightly in confusion.

Maybe she said something when we were at the beach that was having her blushing like that. You thought about it but shook your head at that thought. There's no way she said anything, you were both too drunk to even talk properly.

"So, where are you sneaking off to this time? It better not be somewhere where you two are going to end up getting drunk like that again" the doctor asked, crossing her arms and raising a brow at you both.

Just then the TARDIS landed, causing you stumble slightly and then giggle in excitement, smiling at them both.

"Well, we are actually taking you two somewhere" you smiled proudly, looking at them both.

"Us?" Yaz asked suspiciously "as in me and the doctor?"

"Yes Yaz as in you and the doctor. But first of all, we're going..." you smiled, looking at Missy excitedly.

"Shopping!" She shouted excitedly, reaching forward and taking the doctors hand "you my friend, need a new set of clothes. A nice suit would do well." She grinned, pulling her towards the doors.

You reached over to Yaz, taking her hand "yup. And you need a nice dress to go with her suit. Come on" you smiled, pulling her over to the doors.

"Wait, why are we doing this? And (y/n), you're fine with holding my hand now? And where are we even going? Also, when can I see the doctor in this suit because I'm already really excited about that idea?" Yaz asked, the last question making her grin stupidly, eyeing the doctor.

You rolled your eyes "stop with the questions. We're going to get you a dress. And you can help me pick one out too" you told her, stepping out of the TARDIS, slightly taken aback yourself at the huge store.

There were rows upon rows of suits on one side and dresses on the other. You could not wait to get into these. Some of these dresses had already caught your eye. But first was getting Yaz one. And the doctor a suit, while making sure they didn't get suspicious about the date night for them. They had no idea.

"Come on Doctor. We're about to try on every single suit in here so we better get going" Missy spoke, leading the doctor along.

"And we, are about to get you the best dress there is. Come on" you smiled at Yaz, pulling her along to the one of the many many wracks of dresses.

"Woah. This is fancy" Yaz said as you looked through the different dresses "so, why have you brought us here?" She asked.

"No reason" you smiled, shrugging "you just need a new dress. And so do I. You have good taste so"

"Last time you literally screamed at me some lie about Ryan and my sister to get me away from you though. What's changed?" Yaz asked suspiciously, crossing her arms at you.

"Well I thought I'll give you a second chance to redeem yourself" you told her "and, this time it's more about you. And I get to help you fine a dress. So, what's your type of dress?" You asked her.

"I'm into anything really. Maybe not a short skirt though. A short dress I'm into. But seeing as this is obviously something more formal seeing as you're having the doctor in a suit and you never get into a dress unless you need to" Yaz said, smiling slightly.

You raised your brows at her, looking slightly shocked before laughing at her "alright alright. No need to go all detective on me" you rolled your eyes.

She laughed at that "I'm just stating the obvious. I really wanna see the doctor in a suit. She looks so good I'm them" she bit her lip slightly at that thought, and you could see her eyes some out slightly.

You groaned dramatically, rolling your eyes before snapping your fingers in front of her face. She blinked, looking over at you.

"Don't go into Loveland there Yaz, you're practically drooling" you giggled "I need you here and trying on some of these dresses now"

"I can't help it! Have you seen her in a suit before. God she looks so hot. I can't wait" she breathed, looking slightly flustered.

"Don't get all turned on right now Yaz" you scolded "this isn't the place"

She rolled her eyes before smirking at you "you ever seen Missy in a suit?" She asked.

"No because she looks drop dead gorgeous in a dress. Any dress" you grinned, recalling the time she wore those dresses.

She looked incredible in them. She managed to pull off everything. And she looked so good! Why was she so perfect?!

"Okay, who's the one drooling now?" Yaz laughed, throwing her head back slightly.

You sighed, smiling slightly with red cheeks, feeling blood rush to them.

"I'm not drooling. Now let's get on with the dresses. We should start with this one" you smiled, holding up one of the off the v like blue dresses.

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now