Life support

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Missy walked on and you ran to keep up with her, not wanting to get lost on this ship where armed people were after you. You followed her as she reached forward, crouching down.

You and Elvis did the same and watched as she started to pull at one of the many metal panels at the bottom.

"Do you need help?" You asked, watching her use all her force to pull at that.

"Nah, I've nearly got it" Missy replied, gritting her teeth together as she pulled with all her body.

You watched as the metal started to pull off, bending and finally snapping off completely, making Missy stumble back slightly. You caught her quickly and helped her get more stable as she hung onto you.

"Thanks love" she smiled before steading herself.

"No problem angel" you smiled back a her.

She smiled at that and glanced at you, looking like she was about to say something before deciding against it and returning her attention back to the broken part of the ship.

You all moved forward and looked inside. What was inside nearly had you scream in shock. You gasped loudly as Elvis seemed to tense up and look like he was about to puke.

There was a heart. A living, beating heart wired into machinery. It was still pumping and moving about. It looked real and living, from an actual person. Only it was wired up and made a part of the ship.

"That's...that can't be right..." Elvis stuttered before gagging slightly and looking away.

"W...why is there a h..heart there?" You asked, your voice shaky as you stared in disgust and shock, seeing blood dripping down the edges of the wires "why would anyone put a heart into machinery?"

"I'm not sure..." Missy mumbled back to you "but this is why they're dissecting people. To put their body parts and organs into the system." She said.

"Maybe not" you suggested "I don't think they'd do this everywhere. There has to be some other thing they're doing with the organs. Maybe this is just a one off thing?" You said trying to be hopeful.

You really didn't want to find out that this is what they had been doing with peoples organs. You didn't even understand why anyone would do that. It made no sense.

"The doctor said this happened to her once before...a long time ago. On a ship too. They were trying to repair the ship with anything they could find, including body parts. Perhaps that is practiced more often than we thought around the universe and on different ships" Missy told you.

"You're telling me there are organs and things all around the repair it?!" Elvis exclaimed in shock.

"It's my theory" Missy replied before pulling at another panel, and getting it off.

You reluctantly and hesitantly peeked your head inside, before quickly looking away in disgust. There was a pair of lungs moving and seemingly breathing in there. You couldn't believe it! There were organs all around this ship!

"This is disgusting" Elvis said, covering his mouth and nose, looking really unwell at the sight.

"Let's get a look around this place some more" Missy said before standing up.

You both stood up and followed her, evidently feeling a lot more uncomfortable and shifty knowing there were organs all around you.

Missy opened a door and stepped in. You went in behind her and raised your brows slightly. This looked like a more sophisticated area. The place was clean and white with some computers and things around.

Missy went up to the computers and started to type away while you and Elvis took a look around. You furrowed your brows slightly when seeing this kind of...pod thing. It was man sized and looked like some kind of chamber.

"What's this?" You asked.

"Probably teleports" Missy replied, not even taking her eyes off the screens "now that's interesting"

You turned to her before walking over. As if you would even understand anything on that screen. It was all showing stuff with pictures you didn't understand, even with the TARDIS translating everything into English.

"What's interesting?" You asked.

"This ship was damaged. Some asteroids collided into it. And it does look like they are trying to fix it by using human parts." Missy said.

"Why human parts?" You asked, scrunching your face slightly.

"It's the closest planet for light years" Missy replied, before reading over a few things.

"You said the ship wasn't moving" you said.

"Oh great how damaged is this place?" Elvis groaned in annoyance.

"It's very damaged. And yes, the ship is moving at such a slow pace it's basically stationary. It says here that the ship doesn't have enough energy to power forward" Missy replied.

"What's all the energy being used on then? If not to propel us forwards, what for?" You asked.

Missy hummed in thought before she started to type things on the computer and you watched as the screen pages changed. Her eyes widened slightly as she saw something and a look of realisation struck her face.

"Of course" she whispered.

"What?" You and Elvis both asked at the same time in confusion.

"Life support" Missy told you "it's life support. Thats what's been sucking up all of the beefy on this ship. And the ironic thing is, they've only had to increase the oxygen levels in here. They've been using these organs to repair the ship so they could move again, only for that to make the situation worse. These organs need to respite, and therefore also need oxygen and life support. Like the lungs we saw! This whole place is like a big circle of things going wrong spiralling down and down" she explained.

You nodded your head in realisation and understanding "so, what do we do now?" You asked.

"We look for the engine room. I want to see the actual engines at work. And by the time we're there I'll have the next part of the plan" Missy smiled.

"You guys do this a lot don't you? Plan as you go along" Elvis smiled.

"Yup" you grinned, popping the 'p', "but we're very good at it"

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