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"What the heck was that?" Yaz was the first one to speak up.

"Did she just...why did she just kiss both of your cheeks?" Ryan asked in confusion.

"And you didn't get scared?" The doctor raised her brow.

"Do you two know this...Angel?" Graham asked.

You shook your head "no idea" you mumbled, still in shock at why she kissed your cheek like that, as though she was someone close to you...and she felt like that too for some reason.

"Never seen her before in my life" Missy also told him, looking stunned herself also.

"Maybe you're remembering backwards" the doctor shrugged, going to the console and to her favourite leaver, dispensing a custard cream into her hand as she munched with a hoot smile on her face.

You looked at her with raised brows "remembering backwards?! Yeah right, that's not even a thing" you said, finally snapping out of it and back into reality.

"Yes it is!" The doctor exclaimed "it happened to me you know. With Ashildr. Or me as she called herself. Eternity...made her forget the foundations of who she was" she sighed, shaking her head "haven't seen her in a while. Then again, I'm no longer looking for her. The universe is a very small place when I'm angry with you"

You raised your brows at that "what made you so angry?" You asked, mindlessly twiddling the white rose between your fingers.

"Oh, she messed around with one of my friends. And no one, and I mean no one, messes with my friends." The doctor said, a darker look on her face "there wasn't a single spot in the whole universe, all of time and space that she could escape me. And that's how it is with anyone who hurts my friends" she said in a dangerous tone, her eyes looking darker than usual, no longer those beautiful hazel eyes you had come to know.

You thought about what she had said. How she is like this to anyone who hurts her friends. Did that include Jason? You wondered if her darker side, the oncoming storm would come out if you told her about him. All this time you were worried about how Missy would react. You didn't even stop to think about how the doctor herself would react. The idea of two ferocious time lords out for one person scared you slightly. You dreaded to think what they both would do if they knew.

"Doctor" Missy's voice spoke up "I need to talk to private. Like, now please" she spoke, sounding serious as she looked at the doctor.

The doctor nodded her head "of course, what is it. Come on" she said, walking away as Missy followed.

"It's about (y/n). I need to ask you for something. No..I need you to promise me something" Missy spoke, and you were barely able to catch it.

You widened your eyes at hearing your name, and started to follow them, trying to see if you could listen in on what Missy was saying. You wanted to know what this was about.

But before you could catch up to them, Yaz stood in your way and started talking to you, making you sigh in frustration.

"So, how was the date?" She asked with a smirk.

"It wasn't a date. Have you asked how Ryan and your sisters dates are going?" You grinned.

She rolled her eyes "yeah well I guess I'm growing accustom you the idea of Ryan dating my sister. She likes him, he likes her" she shrugged before looking over at Ryan "but you're not booking any hotel rooms! There's no way in hell you two are doing that just yet"

Ryan quickly raised his hands above his head "hey I haven't even taken her out in a date yet despite what (y/n) says. And anyways, I obviously wouldn't do that" he stressed.

Yaz hummed, sending him a hard stare before turning her attention back to you, smiling at the flower in your hand.

"So, how was it?" She asked.

You rolled your eyes "it wasn't a date Yaz. And anyways, we didn't even get to have dinner in the end. Actually it turns out the butcher..." you scrunched up your face slightly in disgust at the memory, thinking it better not to share this horrid and quite frankly nightmarish story with everyone "never mind. Dinner say the least" I mumbled.

She grinned "ooh what did you two do? And when did you meet this Angel?" She asked.

You shrugged your shoulders "we were nearly killed and butchered alive because they serve their own customers at that place. Missy was about to be chopped open while I was sent off into the freezer to be butchered later on after Missy. I was literally about to freeze to death in the freezers, and that's when Angel came in. She saved me. I..have no idea who she is though. But she helped to capture the people behind the murdering and disgusting scheme" you told her.

Yaz looked shocked at that, as did the boys before she burst out into laughter, shaking her head.

"Okay so you two fucked and are stupidly trying to cover it up with this horrific story. Okay, I'm just gonna leave" Yaz giggled, shaking her head as she walked away.

You sighed, rolling your eyes as you blushed deeply. Your face felt really warm at Yaz's words. You turned to Graham and Ryan, changing the subject.

"Hey, I was wondering, you know that date night we planned for the doctor and Yaz, we should put that into plan" you smiled.

"Sounds good" Ryan nodded his head.

"When are you planning on doing this?" Graham asked.

"Tomorrow evening hopefully. But we'll have to spend all day getting it ready. Do you guys think you'll be able to do the music while me and Missy take the doctor and Yaz out to dress shopping, keeping them busy?" You asked "or suits for the doctor" you giggled.

"Totally. Oh I've got a total track list in my head already" Graham smiled.

"Yeah and I'm gonna make this venue look amazing" Ryan smiled.

"Great! Let's put this plan into practice tomorrow then" you grinned.

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now