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Your heart was hammering in your chest in fear and panic, an instinct to try and scream to get away from the touch was overwhelming you. You felt like your throat was closing up and your chest was squeezing so much that you felt like you were dying.

You tried to thrash about before snapping your eyes open, trying to clamber away from the contact, your body in such a state of fear you couldn't even scream even if your mouth wasn't covered.

But when you saw who it was that was covering your mouth and holding you against the wall you immediately started to calm down.

"Shh" Angel whispered, looking over past the corridor.

You tried to mumble a few words in utter confusion to her, but she simply hushed you again, pressing her hand even harder against your mouth, causing you to finally shut up.

You were surprised though. Firstly by who it was that was holding you. You expected someone trying to kill you or even one of those zygon things. But secondly, by your reaction as soon as you realised who it was.

Your body almost immediately calmed down, knowing that it was only her. Your heart rate slowed down and your breathing became even. You weren't panicking as much anymore. And although you were extremely uncomfortable with her making so much contact, you really weren't too afraid. You wanted to move away a little but you weren't screaming in fear or anything.

You didn't understand why that was. Why it was that you were okay with Angel making contact too. The only other person that had ever been okay with you was Missy. The only person you were ever fully able to touch with no fear. And now...Angel was too.

Though it confused you completely, you did remember a similar thing happen the last time you saw her, the first time you had met her. When she hugged both you and Missy goodbye.

Though you were a lot better with contact full stop back then with the doctors help, you still weren't good with hugs apart from with Missy of course. So you expected it to have gone down really bad. But when Angel hugged you both goodbye it...felt right. It felt good almost, and you certainly weren't afraid.

Just like you weren't afraid right now. You were slightly fidgety, but you were not scared of her. In fact, it was almost the opposite. Just the feel about this Angel has you feeling safe, like you could trust her. And that there was something familiar about her. Something that you..remembered almost. Kind of..bit not really, you had only met her once before.

All you knew was that that familiarity was what made you feel comfortable and safe around her. And you were confused, but also comforted by that fact.

"Okay, I'm going to remove my hand but don't make a sound" Angel whispered to you, snapping you out of your thoughts and back into reality.

You nodded your head in response and she looked into your eyes for a moment, letting you notice once again how similar they were to Missy's. She slowly lowered her jeans, allowing you to breathe properly too, making you take in a deep breath while swallowing a little.

"What was that for?" You whispered to her.

"You were about to get caught. A zygon heard something and was turning around just when you were about to look. Not to mention how pissed off the doctor would be if you ended up dead. And how messed up my own future would be...actually I don't even want to think about that. Okay, you can't die" she told you firmly, making you furrow your brows a little "well with you being human and all...things are different. Wow you really can die. Oh, but don't"

"What?" You looked at her in utter confusion "what do you mean things are different? I know you're from the future and all and things must be different then, but everyone can die" You told her.

"Well..." Angel trailed off a little at that "I mean..I can't spoil anything. But all that matters is that you can die right now. And I don't want you to, i can't have you. Literally. So just..don't" she said.

You rolled your eyes a little at that "okay whatever"

She seemed satisfied with that, a smile on her face before she started to peep her head out to see what was going on with those Zygons that you were following before she rudely interrupted you.

You popped your head out too, taking a look to see what was happening. You raised your brows in surprise at what you saw.

There was a person, a man, on some kind of chair. The person looked like he was...either dead or knocked unconscious. His body slumped against the chair barely holding itself up. And there were two other Zygons standing around his body, one in particular standing properly in front of him.

"What are they doing?" You whispered in confusion.

"I don't know.." Angel whispered back.

You watched as they growled a little before the red zygon standing in front of the body started to...change...its whole body contorting and moulding, even changing colour!

You stared with wide eyes and shock, realising what was happening. The zygon was changing into...a copy of that person's body! Clothes and everything! Even the hair was the same! Until it was completely changed and copied.

It was scary just how similar the copy was. You couldn't even tell the difference and if the real person wasn't unconscious or whatever, then there would have been no way you would have known what was happening or who was who. It was really confusing and messing with your head. But you knew one thing for sure, you did not want anything to happen to that guy.

"We have to save him" you whispered before heading towards them all.

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