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You quickly turned around, having for a few moments there gotten lost in your own thought at the small tingling feeling on your cheek from where she kissed you, the butterflies taking flight in your stomach. You had to shake it off and concentrate on the situation in hand, there was a life at steak. Whether it was deserving to be saved or not...

"Missy no!" You exclaimed, trying to walk over and catch up to her, watching as even the doctor moved over in a determined manner towards your flat.

Even she was going through with this, the doctor herself was going to take her revenge. You understood they were just trying to seek revenge for a friend...and a lover for Missy. But you didn't know whether this was the right thing to be doing right now. Did you really want to beat Jason and do the same thing he did to you? Though you couldn't deny the fact that you wanted him to feel the pain and fear he put you through, but you couldn't help but think that...that was the wrong thing to be thinking. You didn't want to end up being like him, by doing the same thing you were becoming exactly like him. And you didn't want to be like him in any weren't like him.

You moved over to them all, placing your hand over your stomach in pain. You shouldn't be moving around this much, especially after the beating you just got. You should have been resting in your bed, embraced in Missy's warmth and just trying to get some sleep. You were starting to think telling everyone about this, about what was going on in your life at home, was a bad idea. Perhaps you should have just kept it all a secret. But would continue to be hurt and beat, nothing would change. Your mind was in a battle of its own!

"Please, don't do this. We can just walk away right now" you tried to plead with both time ladies.

"No one hurts my friends" The doctor whispered, her eyes looking at the door while Missy bashed her fist on it harshly, making you flinch a little.

You gulped nervously, instinctively moving so you were behind both Missy and the doctor, and away from the door. You were afraid...afraid of what Jason would do. If he saw you, especially with Missy after he saw you kissing were done for. The first thing he would do would hit you. You didn't want that...your heart and chest was squeezing with anxiety simply at the thought. You couldn't get hurt felt flashbacks already flying though your mind. It made your hands tremor and your throat to close up in fear.

"Open up!" Missy shouted, still banging on the door harshly, waiting for a response, to which you all heard someone speak from inside.

"I'm coming jeez" he was him. The man that had caused you all the problems of today, all your fears and anxieties.

As soon as the door open he paused, raising his brows in confusion for a moment before landing his eyes on you, anger filling them again. He clenched his jaw, looking between them all in anger, especially at Missy, realising who that is. It made your heart race and your stomach to feel sick.

"Who the fuck are you? You're the one who's been fucking around with my girlfriend!" He shouted at Missy, causing her to clench her hands into fists "And when did I tell you to leave?" He asked, directing his question to you while you gulped, licking your lips nervously.

"I'm officer Khan" Yas spoke up "I'd like for you to come down to the station with me. I have reason to arrest you..."

"Arrest me? For what?" He laughed, placing both hands by the doorframe and glaring at everyone, especially you.

You could feel your fear start to rise up, the sweat on your brow beading up and your pain all going away and fading to nothing but fear...the stabbing and cramping pain in your stomach getting so bad it felt like something was wrong. You wanted to get out of this situation, to leave this and to run away. You were such a coward...but you couldn't help it. You couldn't be brave in a time like this. Not while you were face to face with your abusive boyfriend, the same guy who hurt you in unimaginable ways only a few moments ago. You were still in pain from didn't think your already broken and bruised body could take anymore. Not couldn't go through all of that. You really believed you would die this time round.

"Yeah? You don't look like cops. What has she been screwing around with all of you? Even the old gramps there?" He frowned deeply, a disgusted look on his face while looking between you and Graham.

"No...they're my friends...Graham's like a grandfather to me" you replied, your face scrunching you a little too.

"Jason we need you to come with us" Yas repeated.

"I'm not going anywhere with you. And what are you going to do about it huh?" He asked, his jaw clenching as rage filled his eyes again, that familiar look in his eyes that always scared you. You could tell Missy was forcing herself to stay back, her arms shaking with anger.

"I'll make you regret not taking the easier option" Missy replied through gritted teeth.

"Both of us will" the doctor glared, her hands tightening into fists also.

Jason simply looked between them both and started to laugh, throwing his head back while he shook his head in utter amusement. You were really starting to fear now, not for what he would do, but for what would happen to him!

"Two little girls, you really think you can take on me?" Jason laughed, and that was all it took for Missy to finally snap.

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now