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You closed your eyes in fear, waiting for something to happen. You weren't sure what you were expecting but you were bracing yourself to see your past again. You didn't know if you could deal with seeing that again. You felt your anxiety pick up again at that thought. You didn't know how you'd react but you didn't want to look back at that. You had only just gotten over it!

Your whole body was tense and waiting for what was about to come. Your heart was racing so fast you felt like it would beat out of your chest. And you forgot how to breathe. You could barely hear doctors shouts for Eva to stop what she was doing and the clinking of the holding her back, leaving you alone and completely under the mercy of this vampire.

But nothing came. After a few more seconds, still, nothing. All you could feel was Eva's forehead against yours. But you weren't seeing your past like you thought you would. You slowly opened your eyes, almost fearfully. You didn't want any flashbacks.

But you were surprised when literally nothing happened. Not to you anyways. You just stood there, tense and surprised by what was going on. Or the lack there of. You were expecting much worse than this.

But Eva just stood there, her face contorted in concentration. You were starting to wonder what I'm earth was really going on here. And if she even could see. Not that you wanted her too. But she just stood there, holding onto your face and making you feel awkward.

You could hear the doctors voice, trying to get her away from you. Once she realised that wasn't working she tried to talk to you. Telling you to stay calm...she must have known how you would react if you'd see your past again. Then again, she had seen what it did to you before.

The vampire then let go of your face and moved her forehead away from yours, allowing you to breathe a sigh of relief before staring at her with a gulp.

"(Y/n)" the doctor called for you "are you okay?!" She asked in a panicked tone.

You slowly nodded your head "n..nothing happened.." you whispered "I..I didn't see anything nothing happened..." you told her while keeping your eyes on Eva.

The doctor furrowed her brows in confusion in surprise at that before looking at Eva standing there with her eyes still closed. You were so confused.

Her lips slowly curled up into a smirk, and her red eyes opened and looking into yours. You backed away slightly, feeling slightly afraid of that evil look.

"My my" she whispered, making you swallow nervously slightly "you've had a lot of nightmares up here haven't you" she smirked.

You stared at her, trying not to crack under the pressure and staring with a serious look. It was dead silent in the room. You could practically hear your heartbeat. You knew she could hear it.

"What did you see?" You asked quietly in a voice just above a whisper.

She smirked at that before stepping away from you and walking over to the doctor, mindlessly pacing around.

"You want to know what I do with my pets?" She asked.

"Don't change the subject" you seethed, pulling frustratedly on the chains that held you in place.

You wanted to know what she knew. She only looked back at you with an amused look on her face. You couldn't deal with that. You needed to know. And wipe that smirk off her damn face. There were so many things that you had kept personal and secret. You couldn't have her knowing. You couldn't have anyone knowing.

"I like to play dress up sometimes" she carried on, ignoring your demand, walking about with her heels clicking on the ground.

"I'm not playing here Eva!" You shouted "what did you see?!"

"The thing is" she interrupted you with the same casual tone "when it comes to my pets, I like to play undress"

This made you pause and your heart to seize up. You could feel the terror and shock throughout your stuff body. She must have seen it. She must have seen everything. She was referring to something you didn't even look back at in your mind.

"There's a word for that you know" the doctor glared.

"I know darling. It's called sex." Eva laughed at that.

"It's called rape" you told her with a glare, your hands hunching into fists.

She smirked at that "you'd know all about that wouldn't you"

You didn't say anything in response. You could see from the corner of your eye that the doctor was staring at you, probably in questioning. Or maybe in shock and realisation. You were too much of a coward to look.

"You haven't told a single soul" she smirked.

She started to walk up to you to which you backed away from, pressing your back up against the wall. Though you still tried to keep up your strong front. You weren't going to give her that satisfaction.

"Not even your beloved Missy" she whispered, stalking her way over to you.

"You leave her out of this" you hissed through gritted teeth, though your voice was still barely a whisper.

You were afraid. Truly, and utterly afraid. Your heart was starting to beat really fast in anxiety in your chest. You hated this. She knew everything about you! She must have seen everything since your father.

She reached a hand over to your face and you forced yourself not to flinch away. She sighed slightly and you were relieved when she only moved some of your hair out of your face. Her eyes slowly faded back to the silvery grey as they softened, looking at you in what you knew was pity. You hated that look. You hated how that was all she would see in you now. Because she saw.

"You've been through so much my beautiful pet" she whispered before leaning forward and pressing her lip up against yours, making you close your eyes and freeze up again.

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now