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You couldn't think of anything but the pain in your neck. You could feel a small tugging sensation and you knew it was your blood being slowly sucked out of your body.

You closed your eyes, feeling completely betrayed and stupid. Of course she was doing all of that to drink your blood. She was waiting for the perfect moment to just wait until you were vulnerable and your guard was down for her to bite you. It hurt so bad.

"Stop!" You heard The doctor shouting through your own screams of pain.

Your wrists were getting bruised from how hard you were pulling on the chains and your throat was hurting so much from the screaming.

You couldn't do anything. You physically couldn't do anything to stop this. Your body was getting weaker from the blood loss. She was trying to kill you?! After everything, after all of that...she was trying to kill you?!

You let her into your mind. You spoke to her about something you never spoke about or even thought about. You were vulnerable. And she took advantage.

You were screaming and shaking through all the pain, your head spinning as stars clouded your vision. It hurt more than you could explain. And you could feel your own warm blood dripping down your neck while she drank from you.

Until you felt like you were about to faint. The room felt like it was spinning and your vision was blackening. You couldn't move anymore. Even the noises around you were fading into nothing, and they sounded like they were a million miles away. The doctors voice...you could barely hear it anymore.

This was it. It was how you were really going to die. You didn't even get to say thank you to the doctor. For everything. You just didn't get a chance. You didn't get to say goodbye. Not even to your siblings. They might be always waiting for you to come home. Forever... and the truth was that you were going to be dead. You never even got to speak your feelings towards Missy.

Your voice was nonexistent now. You couldn't speak. You couldn't move. You just..couldn't.

Just when you felt like you were going to drop out of it, you felt Eva pull out her fangs from your neck, igniting a small sound which was trying to be a scream but didn't have the power. It hurt..everything hurt.

And then she let go of your waist, making you topple to the ground, onto your knees. Your breathing was heavy and your head was spinning. You couldn't see properly. You could feel your blood down your neck as your head hung low.

You could hear the doctor trying to talk to you. And you had to concentrate to be able to make out the words. And concentrating was so hard right now. You were breathing so hard.

"Just breathe (y/n)!" You could heat the doctor talking to you in a panicked tone while Eva just walked around, licking her lips off the blood "get her some help! You took too much!" The doctor shouted at her desperately.

Eva hummed a little at that before growling lowly. You would have flinched away if you had the energy when a hand came to stroke your hair. Eva was gently running her hand through your hair, standing next to your weak body kneeling on the ground.

"I didn't mean to take so much my pet, I'm sorry about that" she spoke quietly, and you were surprised that you could hear her at all "but damn...your blood was..intoxicatingly..addictively good..I can't control myself.." she growled the last part out.

"Just get away from her!" The doctor shouted, pulling at her chains "look what you did!"

"She'll be fine" Eva spoke, making the doctor glare at her in disbelief "she just needs some sleep"

"She's a human! They're fragile!" The doctor shouted in response, her voice cracking slightly.

You could tell she was on the verge of tears just by her voice. She sounded so broken. You weren't surprised...you could have been the same if it was the other way round and you weren't able to help the doctor.

"She's still bleeding!" The doctor shouted angrily "help her!"

"Hush my pet" Eva purred to the Doctor before she crouched down to your level.

She looked as though she was trying to make eye contact but you couldn't even lift your head at this point. Your neck was hurting so much. She placed a hand on your cheek, caressing it gently.

You were confused. How could she be so gentle and caring at the same time. You didn't understand. She was horrible..she drank from you. And yet she was trying to comfort you. Her touch was so gentle and soothing almost. You didn't understand how she could change so drastically. It was almost as though she cared...but you knew she didn't. All she wanted was to drink from you.

"You'll be okay" she whispered softly to you.

You didn't know what to say. You felt so helpless right now. You tried to lift up your drooping eyes to see what she was doing.

You were surprised to see her bite into her arm, ripping away some of her flesh. If you had enough energy you would have gagged. But you couldn't help but panic a little when she cupped the back of your head and brought it closer to her bleeding wrist.

"What are you doing?!" The doctor shouted.

"Giving her my blood" Eva replied "I didn't mean to take so much from her. I'm sorry" she whispered the last part to you.

"Your blood?!" The doctor screeched "you can't make her drink that!"

"It'll heal her" Eva explained "just drink my beautiful pet"

You couldn't help but whimper a little as she pressed her wrist up against your lips. You felt her blood start to pool into your mouth, and as if by instinct you swallowed.

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now