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"I don't know you" Missy said, her body tensing slightly " I?"

"Wow, you know what, you guys can carry on with this stupid act if you want. Please don't ground me for calling you stupid by the way" she quickly added "But we have a situation in hand so can we not do this now" she said.

"Ground you? What are you talking about?" Missy asked in confusion "did a zygon scramble your brain or something?"

The young woman laughed "no, I hope not. It's just a very confusing line of events never happening in the right order for me. It's more like a jigsaw" she replied.

You sighed, "time travel makes my head hurt" you mumbled, reaching your arms back around Missy's neck, hugging her close, burying yourself in her warmth.

"Tell me about it" the brown haired woman chuckled lightly.

You hummed lightly, closing your eyes as both you and Missy embraced each other for a moment. You were happy for her warmth, and of course adoring the feeling of her being so close, your heart rate beating just that little bit faster in your chest.

But you were also thankful that she was okay. For a moment back there you thought she was dead and were about to prepare yourself for seeing her sliced up body. The thought made your jaw clenched in anger at these disgusting people, and your stomach to turn uncomfortably.

You opened your eyed, gasping when seeing the guy who you both first saw in the restaurant, the only other person not captured, coming towards both you and Missy with one of the big butchers in his hands. You gasped and your eyes widened as he raised the knife, ready to stab Missy right in the back.

"No!" You shouted, grabbing Missy and pushing her out of the way, flinching and closing your eyes, waiting for the knife to hit your body and bracing for the inevitable pain to come.

Instead the woman came and walked the back of his head, sending him clobbering to the ground, collapsing like a pile of bricks.

"Okay, I know you hate it when I use violence but I promise it was for your own good and he's not even dead! Just don't be upset with me" the woman rambled really quickly, raising her hands slightly.

You stared at her, shock and confusion written all over your face, you really had no idea what was going on and you were starting to think that staying to face Yaz's wrath of her teasing and her screaming at you about the whole made up Sonya and Ryan in a hotel room thing, would have been better than coming here at all.

"I would have ripped his head off, you did well" Missy said nonchalantly, waving her hand about before coming back up to you, wrapping her arms around you, making you look up at her "love, you can't push me out of the way in times like this you know that right? A fragile. You'd just die...but me, I'd be able to regenerate. If this ever happens again you can't push yourself in front of me. I'm the one who should be doing that with you" she told you in a serious tone.

You bit your lip nervously, sighing. You knew what she was saying was right but you just couldn't bring yourself to just let her be in danger like that. It was more of a reaction to get the person out of the way.

"Missy you know I won't just let you take the blow for me. That's been my job since I can remember. I'm the one who takes the blows, it's how it has been. For my sister, even my mum sometimes. And for you" you told her.

She sighed, shaking her head "it's time for you to let someone else take care of you for once. Stop trying to look after others and just think about yourself for once"

"I'm not that selfish" you smiled at her.

She smiled back "well I am. I don't want anything to happen to you" she said in a soft voice.

"As much as I hate to disrupt, you guys need to wear these" the brown haired woman spoke up, holding two pairs of...things? "To be fair though, your date messed up real bad anyways so" she laughed lightly "did you wander off again?"

You raised a brow at that "it's not a date..we're not together.." you laughed lightly, blushing slightly "and anyways, how come you know I wander off all- some of the time? But again, just to clarify, me and Missy are just friends. Nothing more"

"She's right and I swear to god I'm running out of patience with people so you better not start to become like Yaz" Missy added.

She looked at you for a moment, her face full of shock and amazement. Her eyes looked between both you and Missy, her eyebrows raising.

"Wow I really am early" she whispered to herself before grinning "aw, look at you two not even girlfriends or anything yet. This is so cool to see" she giggled giddily.

You sighed again in confusion "look lady, I don't know who you are-"

"Maybe not yet. But you know you can call me by my name" she giggled.

"No, we don't know your name or anything..." Missy spoke up.

"Yeah right. Very funny. Listen I know you obviously don't know who I am to you guys yet considering...well many things here, but you're allowed to use my name. Now, put these things in your ears" she said quickly, putting in one of her own pairs of the small objects she gave you each in her ear.

"Why, What is this?" You asked, looking at your own two objects.

"They'll protect you from the neural shock I'm about to use to knock these guys out. So hurry up (y/n)." She said "I'll be on my best behaviour and I might even stick around for a little while if you speed things up. Unless you want to get knocked out of course"

You rolled your eyes "no" you mumbled, putting the things in your ears.

Your curiosity was really starting to rise. Who was she?

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