Cleaned up

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Once you got out of the shower and had changed yourself into a nice new set of clean clothes, Missy and you were heading back to the control room. You couldn't help but feel a nice refreshing feeling when being in nice clothes and having washed up after all of that.

Though you were heading towards the controls, you weren't one hundred perfect sure that the doctor would be in there ready to take you to a new and wonderful place. Though you were still going to go there. You just had a feeling that the doctor was actually taking that bath with a triangle she was talking about.

"I never knew a shower could feel so good" you sighed happily and in content, trying your hair with a towel around your shoulders.

Missy smirked in response before raising a brow at you "you know what else feels good?" She said in a seductive tone.

You blushed deeply at that, staring at her with wide eyes before shaking your head with a small laugh. She just laughed in response, her mischievous and famous smirk on her face.

"I can't believe you sometimes you know" you sighed, a small smile tugging at your lips while your lower lip got caught between your teeth.

"I know. I'm just out of this world aren't I" Missy said with a grin, swinging an arm around your shoulders.

You giggled before smiling "out of this universe" you replied before reaching up and pecking her lips.

She hummed in response, a huge smile on her face that made your heart melt. She was adorable. Crazy sometimes...definitely crazy. But adorable. And all yours. You still couldn't believe how long it took for you to be able to just speak your feelings to her. She could have been yours much before.

"You know, I don't think you guys realise how much you mean to me" you told her softly "I couldn't even get out of my bed before you came back. I felt like the weight on my chest was just...crushing" you whispered the last part with emotion laced through your voice "I'd just lost too much. The only reason I got out of my bed was to just...jump..." you gulped slightly at that memory.

You would have been lying if the thought didn't cross your mind now and again. It was only to be expected, especially since...the weight on your chest never really went away. And the memory of that horrific day when you lost something so precious to you never went away.

Missy moved her arm from your shoulders around your waist.

"The was just a one night stand right. He didn't...he didn't even stick around to help you? Or you or...anything?" Missy asked you.

Yes, you were still lying to her. But you couldn't help didn't know how she would react if she knew the truth. Maybe she would hate you...or maybe she would try and kill Jason. Or maybe both... You had seen her wrath had seen her kill people in front of you with no mercy. You didn't want to see that again.

"My brother and sister were there. And my in-laws...but other than that no...I guess I was alone.." you mumbled quietly.

Missy nodded her head in response before clenching her jaw slightly "want me to track down this guy? I could give him a little knuckle to the face talking..." she grinned a little at you.

You sighed a little before shaking your head. That was it right there, she would have hurt anyone. It was the first thing she came out and says, the first thing she thinks about doing. You loved Missy...but you couldn't let her kill more people.

"No" you told her "let's just..move on from the past. It's what I'm trying to do anyways.." you mumbled, looking down at the ground with sadness.

Missy nodded her head in response before planting a soft kiss on your temple.

"Of course. I'm sorry" she whispered softly.

"It's okay" you told her with a smile before tilting your head to the side in deep thought " I wonder why I can touch you?'re the only one I can hold out of everyone..with no problem at all..." you told her.

She shrugged a little in response "I don't have an answer to that. All I can say is that I'm happy you can trust me enough" she replied, making you smile.

"I'm happy too" you told her.

You both finally entered the control room, smiling when seeing the doctor there. She was already all cleaned up, though she did have her back to you. Her hair was damp and everything still.

"I thought you were going to have a nice bath with the triangles doctor?" You asked with a laugh.

She quickly turned around at that and your face dropped when seeing the doctor holding a triangle in her mouth and two stick in each of her hand. She smiled at you while nodding her head, playing it, making you laugh.

"Wow, you really are playing a triangle. Okay can I play one!" You asked excitedly.

The doctor nodded your head and you giggled before running over to grab one for yourself to start playing. Only by accident you managed to flick a few switches on the way, making the TARDIS jolt suddenly and the usual golden colours to turn slightly more dull. You had a bad feeling about this.

You made eye contact with the doctor and the triangle suddenly fell out of her mouth. She stared at you with a shocked and serious look.

"What did you do (y/n)?" She whispered, in a tone that sounded so serious and almost scared, it made you afraid.

"Nothing..I mean I didn't mean to-" you were suddenly cut off when the whole TARDIS seemed to move about and fall to the side, the TARDIS doors opening.

While the other two managed to hold onto something, you didn't in time, and you fell straight towards the open doors before falling out of the TARDIS, your hand outstretched in front of you as though you were desperately trying to hold onto something and stop the fall. But it was too late.

"(Y/N)!" Both the doctor and Missy shouted out for you.

"DOCTOR! MISSY" You screamed as loudly as you could in return while you fell down and the TARDIS grew smaller and smaller, and further and further away...

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