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You and the woman both ran, looking for Missy. You were still shivering, your legs stiff and finding it hard to run. But you were determined to find Missy. Who knew what was being done to her this very moment. You just hoped she was still in one piece...literally. The people here were crazy.

You tried to find your way back to where you woke up with Missy, but were finding it hard to figure out where everything was. You bit your lip nervously, your teeth still clattering slightly, feeling incredibly cold. Maybe you were hyperthermic.

"You sure you don't know where she is?" The brown haired woman asked you.

"No! I'm pretty sure I would find her right now if I did know! They better not have done anything to her or I swear to god I'm gonna do something I'll regret" you seethed angrily, running a hand through your (h/c) hair.

"Wow, going mama bear protective there" the woman giggled.

You rolled your eyes "God, please I can't have another person tease me about carrying Missy's child. I'm not even pregnant! I don't even have kids in the first place!" You stressed, really hoping this wasn't another Yaz like person "I don't even like Missy like that. We're just friends!"

She grinned at that "really early in your time stream" she mumbled to herself.

You furrowed your brows at that in confusion, huffing in frustration. You were so confused as to everything going on right now. Who even was she?

Just then, you both heard a big bang,sounding like a person was being thrown against something, startling you both. You both made eye contact, and you noticed just how blue this woman's eyes were. They were almost like Missy's.

You both started running in that direction, and you shook your head slightly, wondering where that random thought came up from. Missy was starting to consume your mind all the time. Or perhaps it was your worry for her. You prayed she was okay.

You reached the door where the sound came from, and you instantly recognised a very familiar voice in there.

"Where the fuck is she or I swear to god you'll turn out worse than your livestock here!" Missy shouted.

You quickly opened the door, running in and almost freezing on the spot when seeing the scene in front of you. Somehow Missy had managed to get out of the ropes, and not only had the butcher, but also the waiter from before tied up just as you and Missy had been before, upside down by the ankles.

Missy was stood in front of them with the angriest look on her face, those blue eyes looking darker than usual as she held up one of the butchers knives, ready to strike anyone of them.

"Missy!" You quickly yelled, not wanting her to use that knife on anyone.

You knew how protective of you she sometimes got. She'd happily beat a guy half to death in a hospital with her bare hands before. God only knows what she would do with a knife in some kind of dark basement.

She froze and turned around at hearing you, her eyes widening when she saw you. She quickly dropped the knife, and in an instant was by your side, embracing you in a big hug.

"Thank god you're alright. I thought..." Missy shook her head, squeezing you tighter.

You smiled, snuggling into Missy some more. She was really warm. You felt yourself start to warm up with her body heat, your shivers slowly coming to a halt.

"You're freezing" she mumbled, placing a hand on your cold cheek, sending more warmth though you.

You lent into her touch before burying your head in her chest, holding onto her tightly. You felt yourself start to smile, breathing in her scent. You blushed slightly, knowing full well that she was on my wearing an off the shoulder dress and your head was pretty close to her breasts. You really hoped she'd learnt from before to keep the TARDIS key somewhere else. But knowing her she probably kept it there to tease you some more.

"Yeah well I'm okay now. And I'm not saying I like being treated like a slab of meat but you don't freeze a live thing. And frozen meat is bad quality" you said to the butcher.

"If you two had just stayed in your seats I wouldn't have even caught you in the first place" he replied angrily.

"I told you we should have stayed put and ignored the scream" Missy mumbled.

"Don't blame this on me" you pulled away with a small pout "I think we shouldn't have even come here in the first place."

"Yeah but you didn't speak up before" Missy said.

"I wanted to make you happy! I know how much you like new places and I thought it would be nice. But I could have made you a meal myself" You said.

"I could have cooked for you too" Missy nodded.

"Yeah and I heavenly even eaten yet" you crossed your arms.

"God you're squabbling like a married couple" the waiter rolled his eyes at you both.

The woman sniggered "oh you have no idea" she laughed.

You and Missy both looked at her in confusion at that, not having any idea what she was on about.

"Sorry, who is this?" Missy asked.

"No clue but she's been saying some weird shit. Don't really care though she helped me out of the freezer. I could be an ice cube right now" you replied.

Missy narrowed her eyes at her "who are you? Why do you feel so..."

"Familiar?" You finished "yeah I've been getting that. Do I know you?"

"Okay, seriously you guys can stop with the whole 'I don't know you' act now." She shook her head with a smile.

You sighed, rubbing your aching head. Your head was starting to hurt the more you thought about this. You had never seen this woman before in her life yet..she felt close to you.

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now