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"No, I'm not pregnant" you rolled your eyes.

"What are you naming the baby?! Oh my gosh is it going to be like a hybrid human time lord baby?" Yaz asked, giggling.

"No ones pregnant Yaz!" You snapped.

"Are you two a thing then? What are you naming the baby?" Ryan asked.

This seemed to set off Yaz even more and she literally got down so she was sat on the ground, dying of laughter.

"Look, we're really happy for ya both" Graham smiled.

"Oh my god, I'm not pregnant! And we're not together!" You stressed.

"Yeah right, that's why Missy was kissing your neck. Ooh how intimate" Yaz grinned mischievously, still in her laughing fit.

"It...was the cheek...kinda. And we give each other kisses on the cheeks anyways. As friends! We're just close friends!" You quickly added.

"You were shirtless" the doctor simply said.

"Oh my god!" Yaz literally couldn't breathe on the floor as she died "you're so pregnant" she laughed hard.

"Whose pregnant?" You heard a voice say behind you.

You all turned around, seeing a guy with short hair stood here in some white long jacket that scientists sometimes use.

"(Y/n)! Missy fucked her so hard..." Yaz couldn't even finish the sentence before she literally laid back on the ground, clutching her abdomen as she laughed super hard.

"Right, one more word from anyone of you teasing about this and I'll snap your necks one by one!" Missy growled before rubbing her head "you're doing my head in"

Yaz quietened down, trying to take deep breaths. She tried to get up, giggling lightly as she stared up at Missy.

"Yeah right, you wouldn't do that. I'll tell you who you would do though-" Yaz was cut off abruptly.

You went red at what Yaz was undoubtably about to say.

"I built a gun out of leaves once...actually twice. So I suggest you keep wherever you were about to say to yourself before I accidentally build one out of the air and shoot you with it!" Missy glared.

Yaz smiled before laughing again "the air?!" She threw her head back, laughing again.

"Don't underestimate me." Missy glared coldly.

"Well...if someone is pregnant I am a doctor so it would be good to check up and do some scans" the guy said.

Yaz started to snigger but was trying really hard to keep it in. You sighed, pace palming.

"I'm not! We've done enough tests" I said.

"How come you even thought you were? I mean...ignoring Yaz's teasing Missy can't have actually gotten you pregnant...could she?" Ryan asked.

You sighed "no Ryan it's called a one night stand...that went really wrong. I forgot to use protection"

"What after all the times the doctor had warned you?" Ryan asked with a laugh.

"So you two did hook up?!" Yaz asked, still lost as to what was going on.

You rolled your eyes, taking another sip of the alcohol. You really couldn't deal with her right now. This was the exact reason why you didn't want her to know.

"No you stupid human, it was someone else" Missy shook her head.

"Hey! I'm not stupid! And being human is awesome!" Yaz said, standing back up "seriously though, no ones pregnant and you two didn't hook up?" She asked.

"No!" You stressed.

She nodded her head "but then why were you shirtless when she..." she trailed off when seeing the glare from both you and Missy "okay okay I'll keep quiet. Only because I don't want to die and because Jack brought us here for a reason" she added "but on the're both mine!"

You rolled your eyes at that, taking a few gulps from the flask.

"Hey that's my flask!" The guy in the white lab coat said.

You looked over at him, finishing off the pizza before shrugging your shoulders.

"Well it's mine now" you mumbled, walking away from him and towards Missy.

"Owen you know the rules no drinks at work! You're our doctor you can't be drunk. Outside you can do what you want but I expect you to follow my orders in here" Jack said.

Owen frowned "I wasn't drinking from it. I had it in my pocket from before I just forgot and only saw when I came here this morning. I put it on the table so I wouldn't go near it. And...K really like that flask" he said.

"Tough" you replied.

"(Y/n) don't be so rude. Give him the flask back" the doctor scolded.

You groaned in annoyance, closing off the flask and chucking it to Owen. He caught it, quietly mumbling a thank you.

"You're not in a good mood are you" Graham said to you.

"Neither is Missy. Not after Jack kissed her" Yaz smirked "never get between a human and a time lord in a relationship let me tell you that now" she said before kissing the doctors cheek, casing her face to scrunch up slightly.

"Time lady!" Missy growled.

"Oh Jack kissed someone again did he?" A woman said, walking up to you both "don't worry, he does that to everyone. I'm Gwen" she introduced herself to you, putting out her hand for you to shake.

You stared at her hand, feeling your heart rate start to accelerate. You couldn't take it. You just couldn't. The anxiety and fear of not being able to take someone's hand spiked inside you. All those memories you had to live...your given up on fighting. But you still couldn't be brave enough to reach out and hold someone's hand yourself.

Gwen stood in awkwardness before looking at Missy who was next to you. It was safe to say she didn't want to shake her hand either, a disgusted look on her face and a scoff escaping her lips.

The doctor sighed, quickly taking the woman's hand.

"I'm the doctor, nice to meet you. This is my fam, Graham, Yaz, Ryan, Missy and (y/n). Good to meet you in person Gwen Cooper" the doctor smiled widely.

Gwen stared at the doctor for a few minutes, her mouth hung open slightly.

"Hold on, Doctor?! Doctor who?"

13th Doctor x reader (3rd book)Where stories live. Discover now