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Warning: brutal beatings

Missy moves forward right away, grabbing his collar and ramming him back into the flat. You flinched a little at the sound of him falling into the ground harshly, falling down and letting out a shout of pain. The doctor and Missy both barged into the flat too, while you hurriedly followed behind them, not sure how to react to all of this. He was going to get beaten to death!

"You don't touch me you bitch!" Jason shouted at Missy, sitting up "you're nothing but a whore that takes people's girls and fucks them for yourself!"

"I treat her well!" Missy shouted, the dark tone in her voice making even you make sure to stay back from this.

"I give her what she deserves! Fucking whore pisses me off so much-" he was cut off from his sent ace as a fist came right to his face, making you gasp in sudden shock and for Jason to have his head knocked back onto the ground with a loud shout of pain, the side of his lip starting to bleed as it cut open.

To your surprise it wasn't Missy that landed the blow, it was in fact the doctor. She too had a dark look in her eyes, those hazel swirls that were usually so bright of life and wonder and love, now shone with nothing but rage and anger and disgust. Her teeth were gritted together while she moved her hand back, untensing it and tensing it again. You could already tell that was going to bruise and didn't even want to think about what Jason was feeling. It was the same feeling, the same pain and the same hurt he made you feel all too often...a pain that was so fresh and vivid in your mind from recent memories.

"Say one more thing about her and I swear I'll kill you" Missy growled angrily while the doctor heaved heavily, her whole body tense.

"No one hurts my friends" the doctor said in a low tone "I am the oncoming storm, you're worst nightmare. I can bring armies down upon you just with one call, and dare to hurt my friend! I'll have no mercy upon you"

Her tone was incredibly dark. You would have expected to be used to it by now, especially after hearing it a good few times from Missy herself one her darkest times. However hearing it from the doctor always had a different impact on you. Not just because she was scary and incredibly evil sounding like this, but also because you were so used to hearing her cheerful and wondrously loving tone all the time, with everyone and anything. She was the one to always showed mercy upon people, to forgive them and give them a chance. However this...this time was different. She was angry, and beyond raged. It was scary to say the least to see her like this.

You didn't know why but you weren't moving. You didn't think it was because of shock either, you were just staring ahead and watching all of this unfold in front of you, as were the others. However they looked like they were shocked and just frozen, unsure of what to do, including Yas. But you knew, deep inside you somewhere, in your heart, you wanted him to feel this. You wanted this revenge upon him, and to make him feel all the pain he caused you and worse! You wanted him to beg for mercy just as you would always do and deny it to him just as he always did! You wanted to see him rid of this wanted him dead!

You knew you shouldn't have been feeling like this, that it was making you just as bad as him and worse...for wanting him dead. You'd never thought like that in your life. But revenge was right there in front of you, and you wanted couldn't stop this feeling inside you. Everything he had done to you finally just boiled over...

"I'm gonna kill you all" Jason shouted angrily, wiping his lip with the back of his hand and trying to get up and swing at Missy or the doctor.

However before he could even do so Missy pinched him square in the face, so hard that it sounded like there was something cracking and breaking. He let out a scream in response and blood spewed from his nose...that was definitely broken. The doctor moved down to her knees, holding him down in place while Missy got over him, standing over his face and clenching her hands into fists. Jason was swearing several profanities loudly and harshly, but Missy silenced him by punching him in the face again...and again...and again...

You winced, flinching back as Missy kept on beating him, all across his face, using her strength and anger to fuel her on. His screams finally stopped... Jason wasn't even responding anymore, and you were pretty sure he was knocked out now. He was completely out cold and even yet Missy wouldn't stop. The doctor didn't care either, she simply got off him, standing up and wiping her hand which had some of his blood on it off. His face was busted up, bruised and bleeding, and for some felt good about it. Like revenge has been served.

You all just watched as Missy beat him so hard, putting her hands into his hair and lifting up his face, dragging it over to smash into the wall. You flinched, looking away, finally finding the point where you could no longer watch. She smashed in his face with such force you could hear cracks and knew he was being killed... Blood splattered the wall and painted it red. Missy was, as she said she was, showing no mercy. If she could she would have grabbed a knife or some gun and just shot him or slit his throat.

It felt like an eternity, hearing the bangs of his head on the wall and the cracks of his skull. He was beyond dead at this point...he was completely gone...

Revenge had been served.

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